Roni and I are looking for White paint and pigment enhancers, if you have any amounts for sale we would be interested. If you have a large amount I would fly to Ark to get it because right now we are pretty much on Caly......
Can you hold onto that for us Neil? We would like to buy it yes....... We or I will be there pretty soon.........
I think he is giving up on the cornsilk although we started there, he could change his mind. I would love your white paint too, and guess we will need a mothership after the fact because the Pirates are out in force once again and I hate to loose the paint....will have to set a date when we are coming out to if you can please hold onto the cans and add me to fl if you wish, name is wicked saradu Hawklord...... thanks.
Okay guys, guess there has been a change in what is going to happen here so appreciate your wanting to hold the cans etc. Guess this project is kinda on thanks for holding them but no need to ........... will just see what happens at a later date.
No problem, I almost put the all paint cans on sale in my shop only in stacks for the entire field, 323 cans. So until i dont accumulating 323 cans, white paint will be in my storage and will not be sold (except same cases like yours).