it would be helpful if you posted how many runs you did without arkoins. They don't drop on every run, so if you just had one then there is probably nothing wrong, if you had 3-4 in a row i would start worrying.
i heard the sad news that they werent dropping for others doing instances as i was half way through one, none dropped for me, i wasnt dumb enough to try another one considering my previous experience with the arkoin/instance/broker debacle. if they dont normally drop every run it seems a bit pointless or is that me?
Think of instances as treasure hunting. You don't always find what you're looking for, but if you look long enough, you will. It also means you have to look at your ped card and see if you can handle running a dozen instances or just 1, and what's the risk you want to have.
my bad, from my experiences i thought there were two options, arkoins loot, or arkoins broken, i didnt realise there is also, you are a idiot to do instances because arkoins are dynamic. so i guess its 75% TT return and no arkoins as a worst case, i can handle running instances back to back, im just not stupid enough to do it if there is next to no incentive and a certain loss, thats not a risk any more its a certaintly with a slight risk of not losing badly.
Why so negative Fallen? Of course there will be a lot of variability. It's just like a big hp mob. If you don't like the risks of instances there are plenty of other things to do. Personally I can see lots of incentive. But then I have long term plans for arkoins and Arkadia so a few unrewarding runs are just something to factor in.
Yup did three keys now: first: 370tt coins second: 0 coins third: 180tt coins Still not convinced the mu is worth the tt loss incured while running keys, but Ill do more runs and see what I get.
I too, am unsure if the MU is worth the 30 % tt loss. I last got 131 tt arkoins out of 251 tt returned. That's great , but I didn't get arkoins the last two runs precedent to that. But then again, I guess it's worth it if, one run I get 14234234224323424124234 arkoins because it's that random . Then the rule will be quit instances while you're ahead lol.
i guess i was a bit negative, but part of that is seeing badly thought out and/or working stuff in this universe. and sure there is plenty of incentive, but in the case of arkoins, they are regular stackables, 1.5 mil. of which are needed for that LA, im runing at least 2 lvl6-8 keys a day and i have had 40 ped TT of arkoins since saturday, i also talked to others that returned from doing instances and something doesnt quite make sense to me. of course i could go and do something else, and judging by how popular these instances are, many people did just that without first taking the time to say what they think about them publicly