This Event will only be updated on Arkadia Forums ONLY! There will be an ongoing Team Event on Mutation Station as soon as I have 5 teams registered. A top prize every 2 months (Prize TBD as soon as we have minimum 5 teams registered) Multiple random/adhoc prizes throughout the ongoing event. Participation:- 1. You must post the name of your team event and provide the full name of the captain in this thread to register for the event. E.g. Team = We will HOF / Captain = Lucy Lucky Luck (Prizes will be distributed to the captain who has registered the team) 2. All globals/hofs must be attained on Mutation Station for you to be able to claim a prize, all globals/hofs will be verified , you must post your global/hof on this thread. 3. My decision on prize ruling is final , I will always be fair 4. You must have fun and enjoy codexing Mutated Kamaldon, Mutated Bokol, Mutated Oro on Mutation Station Please start registering your teams so I can start publishing prizes and start random/adhoc prize offerings! Thank you all for your continued support and frequent visits to Mutation Station making this Land Area (currently the No.1 spot to hunt on Arkadia Planet) Lucy