Suggestion for Oratan Prospector missions

Discussion in 'Missions' started by Suza, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Suza

    Suza Member

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    Been thinking about this for a while, we have our daily Oratan Prospector mission and the ability to pay a fee to have the smugglers spawn us a nice area with our current level of prospectors. So how about we take this a step further? I'd like to propose the addition of an Arkoin fee to reset your daily mission faster. I'm not sure if it should be somewhat similar to the Smuggler Camp where it gets more expensive the higher up you are or if it should be a flat fee to reset the daily. I do enjoy Arkadia a lot, but there is a significant lack in daily quests. I'd love it if I were in the smuggler instance and upon completing my daily I would get a popup offering me to continue with the next days mission for a modest fee.

    Would love to hear feedback on this.
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  2. Sionkiewicz

    Sionkiewicz Member

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    I think this would be a nice option but I would be guarded that people would look at this as "buying" your way thru the chain. Many have worked years on this.
  3. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Suza, I hate to disagree with you on this but I feel that it would amount to buying ones way through the chain.
    I feel that promotion in the IFN should be the result of blood sweat & tears only.
    Like I have spent buckets of to get where I have - it would not seem fair that someone could just purchase their way to glory as it were.

    Maybe some other chain - like one for smugglers where that sort of thing could happen :)
  4. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Like it or hate it daily missions exist to keep you logging in daily so you dont loose interest in a game, in the case of Entropia they are also a incentive to keep you on a planet and actively supporting its economy. Being able to reset your daily timer kinda blows both out of the water.
  5. Suza

    Suza Member

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    Other than my Oratan daily, I often have nothing to do on the planet except grind. If there were other dailies available that tied into these grinds, like some other planets have, I would at least feel that I am accomplishing something other than the grind. In a normal day, I will do my daily, pick a mob or two and go kill 50 of it to advance the grind, I may even be really bored (or 'broke') and do some swunting... but I often end up either going to Caly or Cyrene as there are many more options available for daily missions with some nice rewards. Caly is nice in that in addition to a few dailies that have Iron tie-ins, you have 3 levels of daily hunting missions and a mining and crafting mission that you can pick up to see if you either get lucky and get the bonus quest or find one that ties into an Iron challenge you are able to do. Cyrene has many easy to complete dailies (mining, hunting and crafting) that either give tokens or skills and tie into a lot of other missions. Monria of course has the Crafting mission, but it is often too far out of the way for a daily run since it too is basically a one-shot quest and it takes 2 hours to complete and you have nothing to do during it.

    So, since there is nothing really to 'capture' my attention other than the one daily, it fails to keep me on the planet and stimulating the economy as you say, it only keeps me coming back. The skill boost event was the only thing that actually kept me planet-bound as I had a new incentive to grind. In addition, it was nice to have the 'trader' quests which also gave an incentive to grind on a few other missions at the same time, but unlike the skill event, that lasted all of about 4 hours and I was off to other places. Resettable dailies would both keep people on the planet longer and stimulating the economy.

    If 'buying your way to the end' is how you view it, then what is the smuggler mission? You're paying for the convenience of finishing faster. We have the choice between time and money. Do we spend arkoins for 20 minutes in the instance or do we spend 1.5-3 hours (or more) searching for the maturity of Prospector we need? Why is this really that much different? The daily resets 20 hours after you complete it. Let's consider 30 days a month. If I spend 20 min a day in the camp I can do the mission 35 times in a month if I fanatically pick it up every time it is available. If I spend 2.25 hours a day on average outside the camp and am still fanatical, I can do the mission 32 times in a month. If I just do it daily I can do it 30 times. If the camp weren't there, you'd have days where you never completed the mission as well due to the time constraint.

    If there is truly angst over it, then it could be limited to only being used once a day or maybe 7 times in a week. Not everyone can play every day as RL has a tendency of butting in. Would I use it every day? No. I generally only use the camp when I am pressed for time or if I go to the 'normal' area and only see 5-6 of the maturity I need after 1 circuit around it and figure the cost of the camp is less than the loss from killing 50-100 extra prospectors to get what I need. In those cases it is nice to have the option available. The reset would work similarly for me... if I had RL butt in and was unable to play a couple of days I could use it to catch up the days I missed. Will some abuse it? I'm sure they will, but the majority will just use it like they use the camp, as a convenience for when they don't have the time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    That is the basis of the problem, there are not enough opportunities for players on Ark.

    I do not like the smuggler mission - it does represent buying your way, an easy alternative and all it takes is ped.
    It can be aggravating when there is a shortage of the Orotans of the level needed - even more so when there is someone else hunting them at the location you have chosen. There are other locations & other strategies - it takes blood swear & tears
  7. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I second needing more dailies. Being able to select a alternative to the oratan when grabbing the mission would be a great way to break up the tedium, and could help with the supply and demand issue of the mobs.
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