Hello, I'm not sure where to put this, so feel free to move my post to a better spot. I noticed that there are 5 Arkadian kill missions that give as a reward for stage 1 power fist skills. But as far as i know, there are no Arkadian power fists It is a bit demotivating that a noob like me kills 75 Jori and then gets a skillreward that is completely useless on Arkadia. Could you add some of these weapons? Maybe even one from the TT? Cheers, Ben
As temporary solution, try to ask around in Quarry about TT Powers Fists from Calypso/Cyren (a lot of Arkadia Advisers always have TT weapons from it and will be happy to sell it to you for TT value) Castorian EnKnuckles-A S.I. Psy-Blade And I would like to see UL Arkadian power fists in TT as well (and also UL TT long/short blades).
Let me know if you want to try powerfists out Ben, got a couple of Castorians in storage with minimal tt so you can repair what you need/afford at the time. And lets hope we get some of these here too soon, I been quiet a while but still have good hope that we will get some awesome powerfists at Arkadia with super speeds in time
Gratz, you put it in an ideal place. Always nice to see new people making an effort to place threads correctly. Makes my (and the rest of the Mod team) job easier. +rep to get you started
Thanks all for the kind responses . I guess I'll try out a TT power fist from another planet for now. Maybe this month's update will bring some nice surprises! Cheers, Ben