- Creature Type - Animal - Description - Ingame Description "Though quite large, the Otorugi appears to not have many natural defences against larger predators. Its strength and speed allow it to escape many predators while allowing it to hunt for itself. It seems to like the taste of new colonists. This is a mutated variant of the Orotugi. This creature's vital statistics may differ considerably from its non-mutated relatives." - Entropedia Link - - Location - LocationWaypointMaturityDensityArkadia Land Area 06(32488, 26149, 159)Old to AlphaMaxed - IFN Challenge - StagesKill PointsReward 1Reward 2110.0004.53 PED - Bioregenesis2.25 PED - Bioregenesis + 25 Stamina Tokens220.00018.11 PED - Plasma Weaponry Technology9 PED - Plasma Weaponry Technology + 50 Psyche Tokens330.00041.77 PED - Anatomy13.65 PED - Anatomy + 100 Strength Tokens440.00018.12 PED - Translocation9 PED - Translocation + 100 Intelligence Tokens550.00045.28 PED - Clubs27.05 PED - Clubs + 100 Agility Tokens660.00054.36 PED - Alertness + Mutated Otorugi Figurine- (Repeatable) - - Statistical data -- Damage - TypePercentageStab33 %Cut33 %Impact33 %MaturitiesYoungMatureOldProviderGuardianDominantAlphaOld AlphaProwlerStalkerLevel22252831343741454954Health1340151017001890208023302570287031503520Maximum Damage576572798796106116128137Kill Points10111314151719212326
Recorded loot tables according to my own hunts and others inputs as of 05/09/2020: General Loot: Animal Adrenal Oil; Animal Hide; Animal Muscle Oil; Animal Oil Residue; Animal Thyroid Oil; Animal Pancreas Oil; Fine Hide; Hekia Timber; Otorugi Hide; Otorugi Nail; Otorugi Shoulder Horn; Wool; Extractors: Advanced Leather Extractor; Advanced Wood Extractor; Basic mineral Extractor; Tiering / Enhancer Components: Electronic Stabilizing Component; Interactive Simplifier Component; Rationalizer Component; Socket 3 Component; Tier 2 Component; Paint Cans: Dark Blue; Mauve; Purple; Violet Cream; Violet Green; Makeup: Foundation (Pale Brown); Items: To be recorded;
Keep in mind loot will vary according to the maturities in place, so once I get to change the maturities, other items will be known and recorded. Also, if you have records of more loots from previous hunts, send me a message or even reply on this thread! I apreciate your volunteering!