Sometrics Info Thread

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by AlexSolo, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    currently looking at the sometrics business terms and policies I read their documents and have a view at their services.

    While I do that I started to write the documents in some easier to read language without changing anything of what they describe.

    It makes it easier to read, understand and safes time to read it.

    I thought to post what I see while getting into that.
    Maybe someone can find some useful information to determine if he wants to use the service or not.

    I use this thread for that.

  2. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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  3. AlexSolo

    AlexSolo Member

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    Privacy Policy

    This thread contains the privacy policy of sometrics.
    The latest Version Date: 1st September 2011


    The original sometrics text is written in normal letters and marked with S:
    An translation by me is always written in green color bold and italic and marked with T:


    S: This Privacy Policy was last updated on September 1, 2011 and applies only to the website located at

    T: “This Privacy Policy was last updated on September 1, 2011 and applies only to the website located at”

    S: We do not control and are not responsible for the privacy practices of any third party, including but not limited to our customers and clients, and any website or service that links to or from our website or Services.

    T: “We don’t follow and don’t take any responsibility for privacy practices of any third partys and that includes our customers, clients and any website or service which points to or away from us.”

    S: Sometrics, Inc. ("Sometrics, Inc.", "we" or "us") is committed to your online privacy and protecting any and all personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") about you that we may collect and store as a result of our business activities with you. This Privacy Policy (this "Policy") outlines the type of information we may collect, how we might use such information, and the choices you have regarding such information.

    T: “Sometrics protects all your personal Information given by you to sometrics to use their service. This Policy describes the type of Information which is gathered from you, how you allow Sometrics to use it and what choices you have about it.”

    S: We encourage you to read this Policy carefully. If you have any questions about this Policy, our use of your Personal Information, or your dealings with this website, please feel free to contact us by submitting a support request to us at

    T: “We want that you read the policy carefully. If you have any questions about the policy, how we use your personal information, or how you can use the website you can write us an email to

    S: We may update this Policy from time to time in our sole discretion so please check back frequently. Any changes made to this Policy will be reflected in an updated policy (denoted by an updated date above) posted on our website at Your use of the website or Services after an updated policy has been posted will constitute your agreement to the Policy�s terms.

    T: “You won’t get any information if we change anything inside this policy. If we want to change anything we do that like we want. If you use the services after we updated the policy you automatically agree in the new policy. if you read it or not doesn’t matter.. It’s up to you to check if there’s a new version at


    T: “How we collect your Data and what Data we collect”

    S: Personal Information

    S: Customers who use the products and services available through our website (collectively, the “Services”) and provide Personal Information to us, do so voluntarily. This information may include your name, contact information, and account-related information, which may also be linked to the types of payment options you may use, the types of ads you interact with, and information such as your IP-address or your browser. By allowing us to gather Personal Information, users are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of such Personal Information in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Policy.

    T: “If you provide us your Personal Information you do that on your own will. The Information can be:

    • Your Name
    • Contact Information
    • Account related information (type of payment you use, types of ad banners you click, your IP-Adress, What Internet browser you use, etc.)

    When you give us your data you agree in the collection, use and disclosure of your data like it is described in the policy here.”

    T: “What we do with your data”

    S: Personal Information

    S: Any Personal Information collected and stored by us is used to provide the Services to you, for example, to improve the performance and usability of our Services, provide a better experience for you, as well as report to and from our business partners about any transactions or offers completed via our system, and to communicate directly with you Sometrics, Inc. does not share any customer Personal Information with any third party except as set forth in this Policy.

    T: “All your personal information we get is used to provide services to you, e.g. improve the system, provide a better experience for you.

    We will also use your data to exchange info with our business partners about all transactions and offers you where involved by using our system. Also we use it to communicate with you personally. We don’t give any data to any third party except to the ones we describe in the policy.”

    S: Sometrics, Inc. reserves the right to disclose your Personal Information without notice or consent as it deems necessary (a) to conform to applicable law; (b) when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and property; (c) to protect the safety of our users, us, or other third parties; (d) to comply with any judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us; and/or (e) pursuant to an acquisition, merger, sale of assets or other business transfer, bankruptcy, or dissolution.

    T: “Sometrics has the right to make your data public without telling you about that when Sometrics thinks that it’s necessary in the following cases:

    1. If the law requires to do so
    2. If we think that we can protect our own rights and property with making your data public
    3. To protect safety of our users, ourselves, or other third parties
    4. To cooperate with law if we have any process or juristic thing going on us
    5. If our company goes broke and we get a new owner or sell a part of the company which makes it necessary to give your data to a new owner/partner we do that.”

    S: Website Cookies

    S: By accessing our website, our internet servers automatically record information that your internet browser sends when you visit a website. These logs may contain information such as your internet protocol (IP) address, browser version, domain name, language, date and time, the referring website and information in your cookie files. The foregoing is anonymous information that does not contain any Personal Information about you. We use this information to improve our website and Services.

    T: “When you move on our website our servers save automatically data which is sent by your browser. E.g. Your IP-Adress, version of your browser, domain name, language you speak, date and time, the website which referred you to our site and “information in your cookie files”.

    All this data is anonymous and reveals nothing about you personally. We use this data to improve the service and website.”

    S: Sometrics, Inc. (or our service providers) may place a temporary or persistent "cookie" on your computer's hard drive for purposes of (1) allowing our customers the convenience of not having to remember their login information when accessing our website, (2) gathering and aggregating statistical data about the usage of our website and Services for customers, and (3) sending targeted advertisements that we believe may be of interest to you. Cookies are simple, harmless text files that remember the internet browser you use to access the internet. These cookies do not track, retain, or store any Personal Information, and they are used to gather the same general internet information that is available to all internet service providers, search engines, and websites. Examples of this information include, without limitation, a visitor's general location based on IP address, information from the visitor's browser such as browser type, type of operating system, keywords used while searching, websites visited, monitor resolution settings. If you do not want to receive cookies (and thereby, stop the foregoing anonymous information from being tracked), you may adjust the settings in your internet browser to reject cookies or to alert you when a website is attempting to place a cookie on your computer.

    T: “Sometrics or it’s service providers can lay cookies on your hardrive.
    We make this for following reasons:

    1. You can use it to not enter your login every time , the website gets it from the cookie
    2. We collect and put all cookie data in statistics to have a look how our website or the services for the customers are used
    3. To send you targetly advert we think could be interesting to you

    Cookies are harmless text files which remind the browser of the site you visited. Cookies don’t save personal data. Cookies save common data like IP-Adress, Information from the browser such as the type of browser, type of operating system, keywords from searches, resolution of your monitor screen, etc.

    If you don’t want that cookies save anything like that on your pc you can change the options in your browser to not take cookies or only of you allow them each time a website tries to send them to your pc.”


    T: What you can decide about your data storage

    S: Regarding Information

    S: You can opt-out of having your Personal Information used for email communications by selecting the opt-out option at the bottom of the email.

    T: “You can choose that your personal information is not used for emails at the bottom of an email.”

    S: You can also stop Cookies (see above) from being stored on your computer and from being used for the purposes listed above, including for targeted advertising purposes. Most Internet browsers offer robust options in relation to cookies. The default settings in all major browsers accept cookies. However, by adjusting your browser settings, you can choose to automatically block cookies from specific web sites, from all web sites, from web sites without a privacy policy, or from all third parties. Consult the help manual for your browser for detailed information. Please note that if you delete, block or otherwise restrict Cookies, but later you use a different computer or Internet browser, you may need to restrict Cookies on that device as well. Deleting a Cookie does not mean you will no longer see online advertising; it does mean that Sometrics will not be able to target an advertisement to you based on information derived from the Cookie.

    T: “You can stop cookies to be stored on your pc. With that you stop them from being used for the purposes we told you already above including the adverts. A lot Internetbrowsers offer options to cookies. On default major browsers save cookies. You can choose to block cookies from specific or all websites or websites which have no privacy policy or from all third parties. If you don’t know how to do that you can look in your browsers manual. Remember to make the same options for all pcs you use cause the options are only valid on the pc you set them. If you turn of cookies you will still see adverts on the internet. Just sometrics can’t sent you any more target adverts.”

    S: *Please note that blocking Cookies may interfere with your ability to access or use certain features of our website and Services.

    T: “*It can happen that our website and services don’t function properly if you turn off cookies”

    S: If you have any other questions, please contact us (see below).

    S: Children’s Data

    S: We do not knowingly solicit or collect any personally identifiable information belonging to children under the age of 13. Our products and services are not directed to children under the age of 13. No one under the age of 13 is authorized to provide any personally identifiable information to us, to use our Services, or to engage in any transaction with us. if you believe that a child under the age of 13 has provided information to us, please contact us immediately (see below).

    T: “We can not know if someone under the age of 13 uses our website or hands his data to us via our services. Our Services and products are not made for children under the age of 13. No one under the age of 13 is authorized to provide us any of his personal data to use our services or to do transactions with us. If you believe that someone under the age of 13 gave his data to us contact us immediately.”


    S: The security of your Personal Information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information collected by us, both during transmission and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

    T: “security of your personal information is important to us. Our service is designed after industry standards to protect your data while transmitting or receiving it. No method to transfer or store data electronically is 100% safe though. All methods we use to store your personal data are commercial acceptable and we can’t guarantee it’s complete secure.”


    S: If you have questions or concerns regarding the Sometrics privacy policy please contact us at

    T: “If you have questions about the sometrics privacy policy please write us an email to

    Our postal address is:
    Sometrics Inc.
    909 N Sepulveda Blvd, Suite 860
    El Segundo, CA 90245
  4. Nobleone

    Nobleone Member

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  5. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Your question may need to be a little bit more specific.........
  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I think he is questioning what Alex is trying to achieve here.
  7. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That was what I thought, but the OP was pretty clear...