Not sure how long they've been broken (only got back to Ark since 14.1.1) but the white storage terminals at celeste harbor are broken (as in you cannot select them/use them). Also the ad screens in the same place cannot be clicked. You can get to storage and the ad screen from the raised crafting platform area that overlooks the TP though - its just a longer walk from my shop
you can get to the storage terminals from a certain angle, but yeap needs to be fixed and A-team is aware of the situation so will be fixed in next PP update. Ad screens was new for me tho, but now they will know to fix that too
Yes, just noticed on lots of things (some shopkeepers too) that its seems to be a line of sight issue (like the instances) where you can only "see" it from an odd angle.
I found some invisible surfaces around celeste harbor, you can walk through them but they interfere with selecting and spawning vehicles.
Hey guys, These issues have been caused by some of the efforts to improve performance in Celeste Harbour. Although performance has improved, unfortunately they have had some unintended consequences. We've been working on it this week, so has been resolved for next update. Still trying to find the best balance of performance improvements without causing any side effects. Thanks for the feedback, Dave