Shop CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED In ausence of Wesson Corporativist have taken over the company and replaced him First shiment of smuggled weapons have arrived in black and in left base price ( not included shop taxes ) and comparation with otheer weapons View attachment 6408 the board of directors cant verify the whereabauts of Mr Wesson, some say he has gone study the low decay technologys he cant understand how can work , other say he has gone hidding thinking there is an evil terrorist plot to destroy herman insdustries and end with his life, others say is just another of his more than often alcoholic relapse, anyway we pray for his life Note 1: we dont gurantee the correct functioning of this cheap weapons, use at your own risk Note 2: this guns come from the interior of beasts and they havent been sanitezed and cleaned, so we caution you to do it before usage otherwise may contain deathly viruses , if you want your gun cleaned and sanitized we can do it for the simbolic fee of 10 ped per gun, otherwise use at your own risk