Competition Smugglers on the move again

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Major attack in the Underground this Friday 18th July @ 19:00.

    The ACA has, with the aid of reports from the public and various intelligence sources from the IFN, been able to determine that the Smugglers seem to be preparing for a major attack in the Underground this Friday 18th July @ 19:00.

    There is some degree of uncertainty in this estimate. However, the more reports we receive from the public, the more accurately our intelligence experts can refine their predictions.

    Director Bishop would like to extend his warmest thanks to the committed people in our community who dutifully report their observations and combat contacts to the ACA.
  2. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Lock and load, time for some Smuggler fun!
  3. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    We will protect our underground!
    Its a big misstake from the smugglers to think they can get it ;)
  4. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Oh YAY ;) Ready and waiting for those as well especially after seeing smuggler ned the other evening ;)

    If he Thinks he can get away with upsetting Arkadia Residence then he might need to think again
  5. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I globaled zinc in UG earlier only to notice there was a level 599 drone right on top of it lol

    It tried shooting me about 10 times but I dodged every attack, then it zoomed away and not seen it since.
  6. Donte

    Donte Member

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    sorry to say .. no interrest anymore to follow the smugglers !! to much loos : Ammo, vehicul damage, decay armor-weapon, TIME (the way back to the mob area) !!

    no real back loot!

    wish you all good time and may the starlights be with you !
  7. BubblesTheTormentor

    BubblesTheTormentor Member

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    I'm not sure where to put this, but I think this thread should do.

    I love this idea, and the interaction with the player base is super cool. Its amusing, and shows dedication to us. Great work with this whole concept.

    That being said, the spawning of these player controlled high level droids needs to be done carefully. I don't know the opinions of others, but I find it in poor taste to move a regen-ing mob like the lvl 1100 droid across a vast distance - giving it ample time to fully regen - after people had put a large effort into damaging it. I suppose the ability to not actively attack us compensates that a tiny bit, but the point still stands. It is kind of a jerk move in a game like this.

    I hope this doesn't come off as super negative, as I love the idea, and taking this droid to PvP was a clever idea and works well within this smuggler character, just please keep this in mind for the future.

  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree. Big mobs used for events like this need to have regen disabled. Also, tailor the size of the mob to the crowd... when only 20 are around and half are using level 1 weapons, it needs to be a relatively small mob, not a 300k hp monster. The mob today with regen was well over 1M hp, and these big mobs are too demoralizing. A guaranteed 90% return with small chance of multiplier would be better, but until MA can figure out how to do that, best to stick to smaller mobs like the alphas unless there are literally over 100 people shooting.

    As for not attacking, maybe you were just lucky, it was definitely attacking me most of the time.
  9. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    The moving around is part of the story, I guess. Let us know the Droid MK5 is under complete control by Smuggler Ned? Sure, it did regenerate, but it's not like we've done any kind of significant damage by then. Healthbar had just one slice off if I remember correctly.
    Regeneration was too high. It's a displeasure to see the healtbar going back and forth between the 0 and S of L1100 Smuggler Droid. With that in mind, and like Neil said a small Droid would have been more fun. A MK4 or even multiple MK1's, MK2's and those Alpha's, Beta's and maybe a Gamma too.
    As for do or do not attacking: the first half of the time it killed me perhaps five times. The second half I sometimes couldn't even hit it five times, before I was at revival again.

    All in all, it was fun and great to be part of! :)
  10. Vadio

    Vadio Member

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    with crapy loot table and hitkill + aweosome hp

    Indeed this mob need be NO REGEN
    Regen just suck people want kill
  11. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    I'm wondering, is the PVP just normal or lootable?
  12. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    We killed plenty of them down at cathedrale pass and seemed bit different to that one at celeste pvp ring in two things.
    First - there were a lot of ppl shooting/killing with wery small weapons - maybe even TT weapons, then there were a lot of ppl not shooting at all - just waiting for chance of possible skill gain once killed and covering line of sight with their ava bodies so others could not aim and shoot on drone properly.
    Second - chance existed that The Smugler order to droid to run in water and drown there before players can finish it so many didnt took fight seriously. ( we have seen droid leaving ring and runing in water day or two before and ofc The Smugler was present)
  13. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    The Event In the underground will be NON PVP and shared loot starting at 19:00 tonight.

    There is in the Event List - Smuggler NED Is Dead - A Player run event with PVP enabled so that we can try and Kill the Smuggler Boss Ned in a Nice Big Fight ;) If he isn't chicken ;) ;) This is non lootable and there are small pizes for top 3 and also ammo and decay used in the player run event - Training grounds will also go in to the prizes.

    This is following an encounter in the Quarry where Smuggler NED & My Self have issues to sort out and so we are going to battle it out ;)

    Also check out Normadie radio requests and brush up on your HEX & Binary

    When we encontered him the other night with the PVP ring and MK5 I think Smuggie was on one of the platforms and he had a L57 i think next to him now I wouldnt put it past him for them to be shooting down on to the ring as well - this would mean that not all of it was the mk5 ! Previosly we have also loweered the health on a mk1 and it was ordered out of the harbour to the sea ;( that was a bit of a shame when we had taken damage down by 1/4.
  14. The Jetman

    The Jetman Member

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    ah, im just mixing the 2 up. either way ill try to be at both :)
  15. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I joined the event for a bit tonight, and while it was fun for 30 minutes, there were three things that made me leave:

    1. the lag was bad (I normally don't lag at big events)
    2. the smugglers had a lot of health (or we had little firepower), but shooting at a shared loot for a minute (or longer) makes it boring for me
    3. the hitboxes/mobs are too small, i spend half my time moving away from other avatars that stood in front of me.

    I hope some of these issues get better at future events, for those still at the event, have fun and loot some nice amps :)
  16. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I like it so far with two unlimited items looted, new discories too! Will post more about these tomorrow, like the names, decay and what they do.
    It's a Piron Pistol 10 (?), looted from a Colonel.
    Gyro Combat Fap-60 (?), looted from a Droid 4 (?).
    Now I crashed just when old chap Ned came to see how his army got destroyed lol.
  17. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Finally some items dropping from an Ark event!
  18. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    2014-07-19 19:18:02 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:20:57 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a Eron SoulScreamer.
    2014-07-19 19:25:55 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:27:32 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:29:29 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:41:20 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:42:51 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:44:47 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:50:58 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:56:01 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:57:39 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a DOA Slugstorm.
    2014-07-19 19:59:41 [System] [] Raven Lunchbox Palehorse killed Ned Kelly Smuggler using a Eron SoulScreamer.
  19. Painwrecker

    Painwrecker Member

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    where are the mk5 etc driods in the underground?
  20. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    They show up in different locations. Sometimes near a tp, sometimes not, and in the midst of smugglers and other droids. You'll need to either ask around if anyone's seen them or look yourself.