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Competition Smugglers encountered once again

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    As the ACA report (published last week- see attached copy below) pointed out, the organization dubbed “the Smugglers” are trying to set the pace for their attrition style of warfare.

    As part of this strategy, it seems that they intend using the Oratan as pawns by inciting them to attack Firebases all over Sentosa. Many of you will know this as you took part in the defensive actions last weekend. What is curious though, is at the same time the Smuggler attacks seem to have almost completely stopped. Why this is the case, we do not know.

    However, before the attacks took place, one of the IFN's scout troops came across a Smuggler being chased by an Oratan Axe (picture attached below). Unfortunately, the scout was not able to get any further intel as he had go to ground to avoid detection by additional Smuggler force. Regardless of additional intel, this categorically proves that the Smugglers are manipulating the Oratan into doing the work for them.

    View attachment 9984

    The ACA wants to remind you all of the important information that was made public last week, therefore to reiterate:


    Loyal Arkadians,

    After a long period of intel gathering, the ACA can finally announce its analysis of the situation in the Underground, and speculate on how the situation might continue to develop.

    The current analysis and conclusion is based on several facts:

    1. Though it has been hard to estimate the correct number of members in the Smuggler organization, the ACA suggests that they may be in the region of 900 to 1100; in military terms, that is about battalion strength.
    2. Consultation with the IFN has suggested that the Smuggler ranks may be made up of a percentage of former soldiers and officers from the IFN, ordinary colonists from Arkadia and a significant number of unregistered people from other planets, including Earth.
    3. Reports from loyal colonists suggest that the Smugglers have a separate (or parallel) Revival Network to that of the official colony.
    4. The Smugglers organization has been able to field an enormous amount of resources in the form of combat droids and state of the art armor and armaments. This fact, together with Point 2 above, supports a conclusion that the Smugglers are backed up financially by an organization comparable to a small old-earth sized country or large corporation.


    Why the organization, dubbed “The Smugglers”, have such a great interest in occupying the Underground is still unknown. Initial thoughts were that they simply wished to claim dominion over the abundant resource deposits found there. However, following subsequent reports from the field, we now know that they seem very determined to holding certain key landmarks under their control, such as the ancient Arkadian vault at Cathedral Pass. Additionally, a great number of Badger_710R robots have been taken off-line, though we are currently at a loss as to why this might be the case.


    Since the Smugglers do not seem to bother with casualties or loss of resources, the ACA has concluded that their strategy and tactics are based on an attrition style of warfare.

    This leaves the ACA, and the Arkadian colony at large, with 2 choices: A) give up the fight against the Smugglers and lose influence over the Underground and its resources, or B) be prepared to tie up significant and additional colonial resources and time in order to fight these aggressive criminal elements.

    The ACA wish that the circumstances looked differently, and we do feel for our fellow colonists of Arkadia, but happy thoughts alone cannot change the reality of the standing situation.

    It is, therefore, the recommendation of this office that we neither concede defeat nor give concession to the demands of the criminal organization dubbed “The Smugglers”, nor any other organization with equal lack of recognition of Imperial Federal Law.

    With the aid of the IFN, the ACA will continue to stand with every able colonist on Arkadia, in resisting the tyranny of these criminals and whatever despots support them.

    Lastly, we advise that further attacks, like those we have seen previously, are likely imminent and can be considered ongoing.

    On duty,

    Director Edward Bishop
    This week it looks like the Smugglers intend to return to their pattern of random attacks and guerrilla warfare, so let’s show them that we won’t accept their presence or their claims on the Underground. Operations will commence this Friday, 22nd of August at 19:00.
  2. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Nice pic! Oratan Axeman posing with Smuggler in a beutiful sunny desert...
    I already got my hopes high and then i read - event will be held in Underground. :nonono:

    C'mon, that's like u show me a pic of a Dragon, and when i say good i'll buy it, u give me a starved cow.
    I know gotta feed that cow and all but... Hm?

    No more cool events on Ark? Really? Beacuse of this damn AU? That's sad u know...
  3. SLD

    SLD Member

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    I'm not sure why you would be upset that an event is held Underground and not topside, but perhaps you should give it a chance? Personally I enjoy the Smuggler events much more than the Oratan events, and part of that is because it's held underground. It's not sad at all, its actually quite alot of fun and I hope you come and join us so you can see for yourself. ;)
  4. Craggan

    Craggan Member

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    I couldn't agree more with this. I have been at several of each event and I find that in the AU everyone seems more open and friendly and talkative even while we are all dying over and over. The ubers and even us lowbies are much more equal and have a lot of fun down there. Give it a shot unless you're afraid because of the 5% AUD taxes.
  5. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    This event has always taken place underground
  6. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    hmm this even was abit frustrating for me. I kinda found the low level mobs to hit abit to hard it feelt kinda weird. What kind of damage does these guys do?
  7. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    To get the damage type so you can decide on what type of armor/plates to use, check on entropedia.info
  8. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Bah that would demand me not beeing a lazy **** :p.
    Anyways the huge lagg on shooting atm is that me or server side?
  9. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Some ppl seem to think i'm writing about something i havent seen and participated myself.
    What a strange idea. How can i compare them then? ;)

    Well, if there's ppl who enjoy AU then it's all good. Enjoy the event!
  10. DavinFelth

    DavinFelth Member

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    View attachment 10035 A Smuggler and 2 Ecos were at Celeste Harbor Today. They went in and the Smuggler downloaded data from a computer in the Archeology Dept. What was this about? What information did they get?? We tried to stop them, but no force strong enough could be mustered.
  11. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I see Arkadia's Favorite Friend Smuggler Ned Kelly has decided to log on ;)

    Shame he wasnt writting in binary or hex this time around though.