Add me ingame (search *Aframo* in player register) and bring your ESI's! NOTE: YOU HAVE TO PROVIDE THE EMPTY SKILL IMPLANT You pay 20-50% of the TT from the Implant you get after the extraction! SKILL NAME | POINTS | PRICE % 50% RIFLE 5500+ 40% LASER WEAPONRY TECH. 7500+ RANGED DAMAGE ASSESMENT 8000+ 30% ANATOMY 9500+ WEAPONS HANDLING 6500+ WOUNDING 6000+ AIM 5500+ SERENDIPITY 3000+ COMBAT REFLEXES 3500+ 20% MARKSMANSHIP 8500+ PERCEPTION 4500+ Skill Points update: 2015.12.10 @17:08 Take Care, Mr Afroman