SFE Celeste Quarry booth - pick your favourite armour/s!

Discussion in 'SFE - Southern Fortress Engineering' started by TimUnleashed, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    As you may or may not be aware, Southern Fortress Engineering (SFE) recently acquired Booth #3 at Celeste Quarry.

    We currently have full suits of Cetus for sale in a shopkeeper there while we plan the future of the booth, but we'd like your opinion!

    In the poll are the six Arkadia armours we're currently able to make available in full suits. Please pick up to three of them, that you'd be most likely to want. Prices of all of them are working out at around 140%-160% at the moment based on minimal crafting data, and we're working at bringing that down over time.


    Corvus (L)
    Canis (L)
    Lupus (L)
    Hydra (L)
    Ursa (L)
    Cetus (L)

    *NB: we can also make Musca (L) but it's available from the TT
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  2. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    With the influx of new players in the next few months, and the media blitz the A-Team is going to start doing with their 30 second video, I can see an incr demand for TT+1/+2 items in general. In addition, being the booth is in the Quarry, it does make it more meaningful to make low-mid lvl player items, instead of adv items.

    Being there are 7 pieces to an armor set, you are already at a disadvantage of how many sets you can have for sale at once, hence my pick is for the first 3 TT+ armor set.

  3. Synial

    Synial Member

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    After looking at the effective HP given and reading descriptions on these armors, I'm given the impression that it's Arkadia's intent to introduce more humanoid style mobs like the Oratan to the planet.

    Unless I was planning on taking the armor to Calypso to hunt robots, or staying on-planet to hurt Oratan (not a popular mob), I wouldn't want anything but the Ursa from an eco-hunting perspective.

    With that said maybe you could do the economy a favor and draw in some Calypso business by advertising your Hydra/Cetus as a Vigilante alternative for eco robot hunters.

    P.S. Where is the Aquila option? WTB:cool: (voted Ursa Hydra Cetus)
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Thats a very good idea. We'll take the suggestion on board and see what we can do with it.

    We don't have a full set of BP's for Aquila as yet. Generally we only "release" an armour onto our range if we have the ability to create and stock the entire set. (There have been exceptions but those sets had been released before the cursed footguards were brought in.)
  5. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Can't beat the looks of Corvus :D
  6. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    But with Ursa, you will be everything but eco-hunting in many cases. ;)

    Having a set of Ursa myself, I posted in some threads while back that how my Ursa takes only 1 dmg with Houn Youngs/mature, I was shown that I was over-buffing and was wasting ped on armor decay*.

    I now switch my armor based on the mod/level.

    * Armor Decay

  7. Synial

    Synial Member

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    :huh: Bolded the contradictory parts. Yes, eco hunting is definitely not categorized by taking 1 damage per hit and wasting PED by taking maximum armor decay far beyond your needed damage reduction.

    Don't want to go off topic here considering this is about what armors should be supplied; but don't want this to turn into a thread where people are devaluing Arkadian armor due to the response my post got.

    Will give you a brief rundown with your Huon young/mature in mind (stab/cut/impact).

    A. You can wear Knight armor with 5B Plates. 12s/12c/12i + 8s/9c/12i = 65 EH (effective health). The durability of the plates plus the armor is in total 2800. The TT value of the plates and armor combined is 179.6. The total protection offered by the Knight set (12s/12c/12i/6burn/6pen) in addition to the plates (8s/9c/12i) is 48+29=77. Armor decay on sets with <10000 durability = ([.003*dmg^1.75]+[.05*dmg])*[1-(durbility/100000)].

    B. You can wear Ursa armor. 15s/21c/18i = 54 EH. The durability of Ursa is 13000. The TT value of an Ursa set is 600. The total protection offered by the Ursa set is 101 (15/21/18/10/12/10/15). Armor decay on sets with >10000 durability = {.0015 *[(3-durability/10000)*dmg^1.75+(.05*dmg)]}*[1-(durability/100000].

    With the assumption you are always utilizing 100% of the armor's effective health against your monster of choice (without over protecting): the conclusion is that you can pay up to 19.48% markup on an Ursa set to achieve maximum eco in comparison to a Knight set and plates AT TT VALUE (obviously you aren't getting a Knight set and plates for TT value)!!

    What does maximum eco mean? You are paying the least amount of PED for the most hunting. If you pay less than 19.5% markup for your Ursa set you reduce same amount of damage taken as you would wearing a Knight set (plus plates) over the course of equal armor decay+repairs for the UL.. BUT this is not taking into account that as your UL armor takes damage, you prevent less damage from being dealt to you, therefore widening the gap in eco *in favor of the Ursa*, 7-8% (or more depending on your average hunting length).

    Keep in mind on the the Calypso auctioneer the market value ranges from +8%-+20% per piece, averaging at ~15% markup for a set. Finding a particular set of armor (such as Knight) in its entirety can be time consuming. Using crafted sets eliminate that issue if you know you can find them on a shop. Time is money.

    Also, it's the hunter's job to make sure that their damage taken is appropriate for their armor (I aim for 2-12 damage taken). If you're taking =<1 damage per hit, you obviously won't be eco... unless of course that monster can hit you for a minimum of 1 because your protection is 64 and its minimum damage is 65. Then you're pro :)
  8. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    to be honest i have a hard time recommending newbs any Armour. I find that by the time they should start using armour they are getting there adjusted pixie.
    fact is you can hunt hafl this planet with adjusted pixie and 5b plates i know i have.

    maybe we need more mobs that do a specific dmg kind of like how goblin was great for bigger snables

    it be nice if we had a sort of newb armour for them to hunt oratan with though especially when we get more.

    when they have such low evade armour really donesn't do much more then cost them.

    And then to upgrade just throw plates on
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree new players should target swunting caraboks until their evade gets built up a bit. But after that I'd suggest the Musca it does help when going against Oro's, a set of Musca will easily get your through most of the Oro missions and last your entire discipleship at which point that Adjusted Pixie is the Bomb... My favorite armor to hunt low - mid level mobs.

    As far as new players and Oratan I doubt any new player can do Oratan, they use dodge not evade. But with the new mob coming out soon the Oratans cousin mob it will use evade most likely being it will use melee weapons. Should a new player want to build dodge up I suggest not trying to fight Oratan at all, just run and get killed by them. I gained 400 dodge on Calypso doing that with robots, at that point then I was able to start hunting the smaller robots. Oratans also have huge regen so unless new players hunt in packs or have a good weapon to counter the regen they would be loosing no matter what against Oratans. No armor would help them here in my opinion.

    Oh forgot to put something here that is on topic :p

    I would do some sets of lower armor being there is hope for influx of new players arriving in next few months. And I'd also stock some nice armor to hunt Huon or Scoria level mobs they seem to be real popular at the moment for most hunters.
  10. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    Right now i would say Lupus,hydra, ursa as lower ones doesnt add much from what you can get for adj pixie
    Cetus i dont think we have mobs that fits them well yet
    I think cetus is a great armor for CP mobs
    View attachment 3258
    The difference in protection is minimal so after a few hits of them you will be having more proctection with cetus than gremlin, and at the speed they attack i think is a important factor for them, i think you could find some market there if you promote it more than focusing on the firearms protection which most times you can find hermes very cheap
  11. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    Where is Perseus???
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Same as with Aquila, we don't have a full set of BPs yet in order to "release" it to our range.
  13. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    I want to know as much as you do!!!

    I'm going to take this opportunity to give SFE a little plug, as it's the only way I think I can explain the answer to your question, Yquem:

    The armours I listed are the ones SFE is currently able to make available for sale while sticking to our mission:

    *quotes from our website*

    "SFE is dedicated to presenting to Entropia a wide range of crafted armour at fair prices, with great service, reliability and convenience."

    We quite simply can't do that for Aquila or the other high level Arkadia ones at the moment. We don't have the blueprints to support it. It would be done with poor service, poor reliability and quite inconveniently. We want our customers to be able to come back to our shop knowing they can grab whichever piece is broken, and there's a very high chance it will be there. Until we can provide that, we don't want to be leading people on. I know it's old-fashioned and a bit unusual, but that's how we roll and I believe that's partly why we're still around after almost 6 years.

    Be assured that we WANT to be able to do it with Perseus too. I look forward to the day that we can.
  14. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    And again, whole thing comes down to supply and demand ... There demand is always larger at the bottom of the food chain since it is just simply larger in number hence the demand.

    Does anyone know what is the ratio of <33 vs >33 and <66 vs >66 lvl hunters in this game?

  15. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    thats a verry good question. we should do some polling on that. i don't think doing it here would be good enough though almost ingame and strait out asking people would be better. Or i guess you could scan ppl...
  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yep, you're going to get a lot higher average from a forum poll than from a in-game poll. I was just going to say hop all the TPs and scan everyone you see, and just go by hp or whichever stat most follows hunting lvl.
  17. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    doesn't always work though either almost better to poll what mobs people hunt. cause i'm almost level 30 but i still stick with pretty low end mobs most of the time like highest i've done is Kianna
  18. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    One way for you guys to sell more armor would be to make an easy-reference chart of which armor works well with which mobs. Picking suitable armor is sort of an advanced skill... or at least one I haven't mastered yet. I'd be willing to plunk down my cash for a nice Arkadian set if I could figure out which one would suit me best. :)
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    One the blocking issues is we still dont really know which damage types are done by many of the mobs here. So it's difficult to recommend eco armour setups. Have just completed for Ostelok but there are plenty of blanks to fill in.

  20. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Hey everyone, thanks for your feedback so far. We've taken it on board with a few other things, and decided on Corvus, Ursa and Cetus for now.

    We just officially launched the shop too! Please see the launch thread here!