Our servers are now down while we implement Entropia Universe Release 15.15.0. We estimate that the servers will be made available again at 09:00 UTC 2017-06-20. Continue reading...
According to https://account.entropiauniverse.com/support-faq/pages/2017/06/20/2167/index.xml it will be down for 2 more hours.
Yeah, honestly no surprise there. I'm generally surprised when they do deliver in the given time when there is an update. (not talking about maintenance.) A good time to have your weekly shower and clean your room/apartment/house/garden
Hahaha, I actually went out just now and finally swept up the sand and gravel from the driveway deposited there by winter service...
I did me some cycling, cleaned the kitchen, server is still down. I'm wondering if I should go for a second workout because my laundry aint done yet *edit* 2nd workout done, 20km cycled, want to relax and game now MA. *sadface*
The additional two hours are also gone and servers are still down, and not even release notes to read as yet.