Separate Spawns for Oratan Prospectors Maturities

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by DefJef, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. DefJef

    DefJef New Member

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    First off I would like to say to the Dev team that IFN ranking system the daily mission is a cool idea and that I would like to thank you guys for bringing it to us. So with that said I would like to give a suggestion that I think would much improve the daily missions.

    And that suggestion would be to separate the mixed spawns of Oratan Prospectors into spawns of individual maturities (I.E. – Spawn composed of only thugs, bandits, or thieves).

    The reason being is that the last few times I have attempted to hunt for the mission given to me (currently Corporal so I am given bandits) I have found it very difficult to find the numbers I need to complete the mission in anything less than a couple of hours. This task of trying to find the mob that I need has become long and very frustrating.

    What I think is happening is that in the mixed spawn a person will cherry pick out the single mob that they want to kill. So say in a spawn that has four maturities, for every kill of only one particular mob maturities there is only a one in four chance that the same mob will be re-spawned. This over time will virtually eliminate the spawn that the person wants to kill.

    It has been suggested that one can kill the whole spawn and this will work. But my kill rate is fairly slow and if there is someone else cherry picking the same mob you are in the spawn then this would render that method fairly useless do to them killing most of the mobs you are hoping to spawn.

    My take on the Daily mission is that it should be considered to a side mission that can be fun and done fairly quickly without taking much time away from the activities you normally planned on doing when you logged. Thus that is why I suggest breaking the spawns up into separate maturities.
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  2. slither

    slither Active Member

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    You see it as a side missions to be done in half hour then back to other stuff. Maybe you're supposed to show how determined and focused you are in order to get a promotion. After all, the IFN or any other military group would be no good if it consisted of only generals.
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  3. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    The military also work together to achieve their goals. Try looking at it as a collaborative exercise.
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  4. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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  5. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    Yes, please do. :D

    The difficulty of the mission should come from harder to kill mobs, not from more money to burn. :)

    Killing 300 others mobs to get yours to spawn doesn't makes the quest more difficult, it just makes it longer, more boring and more expensive. :)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2015