I now have my power claw maxed so I am ready to hand this Smacker One onto someone else. Thought I would offer it here on Arkadia first. It's an unlimited Smacker One and is tiered to 1.8. Current TT is approx 278 Ped (minimum condition). See http://www.entropedia.info/Info.aspx?chart=Weapon&name=Loughlin_Smacker_One for full stats. It's ideal for hitting small creatures in the head - and who doesnt want to do that. This is not an auction. PM me with a reasonable offer and I will probably sell it to you. If I dont get any takers, I'll just offload it next time I am on Calypso.
Lol, I lent it to Jenny to check out. Thanks for tiering it a little more Jenny. Please adjust the title thanks Tim.
I can only recommedn that weapon to every beginner. Very cheap skilling but generates a lot helpful skills. One of the best beginner weapons imo.
i'm perhaps interested, when you stop being afk ingame open a chat window with me will you i'm standing right beside you now.
Lol, sorry Stagger, I was cooking and eating dinner. You can pm me or we can catch up in game some time.
Works perfectly fine again Zadul and Tiarak babies too (or maybe those are in the tiny creature category already ) If I didn't have my tt fist project I would have made an offer myself on this fist too, so happy smacking to the new owner much more fun then pew pew pew (and better skills)