Hi I am selling the CAP-303 I discovered. The stats are in the attatchments. TT is 105,68. All offers above 150% will be considered for now. The price will be split between bakke and me but you should meet me for the trade. Just PM me or reply here. Happy bidding.
thx for editing the thing EwoK I thought it was necessary and kept it there to avoid breaking the picture. But yeh it looked strange. EDIT: Just checked the MU of the gun. It´s 150% atm. So 150% is the BO now. I´ll set 130% as SB to allow some bidding. I prefer avoiding the fees by PVP trades but if noone bids here because all are busy ingame I´ll just put it in auction tomorrow.
no worries, i tested it first so that i didn't break your post. I've sometimes had some wierd things happen depending on what browser i've used. Best of luck with the sale