Hello Arkadians, I have been trying in #arktrade to sell these without luck, now I am going to try to sell them here. Hunting/farming puny mobs leave me with a lot of guns that I am not intending to use as I focus on melee combat, so I'm selling all below. Availability will fluxuate as I am not done hunting puny's yet, I will update this as much as I can. 38,65tt [Piron PBP-0 (L)] 125%, 51 guns currently, you can take all or just a few. No full-tt ones available. OR I trade the guns + 25ped for one AUD. 5,07tt [Piron PBR-0 (L)] 125% 18,54tt [Scott & Barlow BP-2 (L)] 110% 4,17tt [Piron PLP-0 (L)] 125% Also looking for buyers for the puny hides (Hornet, Gallard, Carabok, Monura M/F) You can find me in game as "ll Sijtje ll".