I made some. Can't sell them dang . And it's no joke! I put two on caly auction, 2-3 days ago, and they haven't sold. I had one of those, "O_O.... followed by Q.Q moments" I had this notion that Caly was under attack by robots, and people needed guns.... but they didn't need pistols apparently, they need rifles. Oh well. Soooooo, here goes! Selling Herman Asi-24 (L) for 116 %. SIB is BLP Pistoleer and damage level 24. PM in-game or here if interested.
This is a good gun and decent economy. With a beast amp and at this MU it's 43 dps and 2.87 dpp (IIRC). I talked in game with Justin and couldn't find any reason why people are not using this gun more, especially at this markup. I'm more a laser guy, but if I was skilling blp this is the pistol I would be using.
I might be in the market for one or two when I get back to Perth in a couple of days time. Will need to check as the guns a bought a little while ago to start doing some missions on Arkadia, I can no longer use so these might be right up my alley now instead. Will let you know. Free bump in any case