Armor: Full Set Canis Armor (M) SOLD Weapon: 39.58PED[Scott & Barlow BP-13 (L)] Amp: 50.00PED[Level 2 Finder Amplifier Light (L)]106% BP's: [Weapon Economy Enhancer I Blueprint (L)] 0.66ped [Bull Tac30 (L) Blueprint (L)] 1.76ped [Ziplex Z15 Seeker (L) Blueprint (L)] 0.02ped Materials: 3010[Nutrio Bar]250% Enhancers: 54[Mining Excavator Speed Enhancer I]400% PM me if interested. Prices are negotiable so make an offer here or in game Ettore Cao Marcon
oh brilliant! sorry, I was at work at the time when I posted...will just need to fly over to Ark again as I went to Caly to restock our shops. I'll be around for at least 3 hours tomorrow (Sunday) between 0800 -1100 WST (so 1000-1300 for you) while I do my radio stuff. Hopefully catch up then.