Scientific Expedition

Discussion in 'Events' started by Zephyrus, Apr 28, 2023.

  1. Zephyrus

    Zephyrus Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator PAF Senior Mod Planet Arkadia Official

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    This Saturday 29th April at 18:00 in-game time we will meet up at /wp [Arkadia, 10084, 13945, 272, Hawk Digsite] for some fun and exploration, from here we will fly or drive to 5 different location with every place has a different kind of shared mob!

    There are many Ruins and interesting location around Arkadia that has been silent up til today and its up to you the brave IFN Scientist personnel to go and take some readings to figure out why some native species of Arkadia has been migrating to this locations and IFN Military Personnel to keep the Scientist safe!

    This is not a skirmish but a scientific exploration so im sure we wont have any issues with the native Oratan or the villainies Smugglers... But just in case we strongly recommend all personnel in the group to arm themself and put on some armor if able because on Arkadia you never know whats around the corner.

    Danger Level Low to Medium and possible High
