Scammer or No?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Elainey94, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Elainey94

    Elainey94 Member

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    Hey guys does this seem dodgy to you?

    Someone asked me to team hunt and i said yes. they made the team and it was set to queue. i noticed that they seemed to be getting more loot on the hole even though i was doing more damage ( quite a bit more) killed a few mobs like this so i told them i was going to edit the team so it was based on damage. as soon as i said i was going to alter team they disappeared saying they were going to go to bed.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes or they might just not know how team settings work. I would only use queue setting with people you trust who are doing equal damage. Actually any serious team hunt should really only be with people you trust.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I always set team hunts to share items and stackables based on damage. And agree upfront what happens with any items over x TT in value.

    I generally don't team with people I don't know well but that's cos I am both antisocial and cautious.
  4. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    The only fair way to run a team atm, is "damage: Share loot" stackable items will be split according to damage done.

    Be warned there have been swunts, and cb5 / opallo hunts where the leader is always either afk, or never heals, and spend more time at the revive instead of hunting. meanwhile the loot is set to que. This behavior you need to watch out for, since the group leader is scamming the group.

    Back in the "Old days" of Uber Noobs I would have the same Que group running, and it would help out the new guys with good loots at my expense, since I was doing the most dmg.... the opposite was the problem though, I would have people in team go afk for long stretches....

    There is no perfect group loot system, just be careful to check the settings, and make sure they are fair before hunting.

    * also agree to split items tt over a certain amount, you can use tracker to check the team loot split, it has the complete list of distributed loot.
  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Except ESIs and other items that aren't in a global, you don't know the TT value of those from the log.
  6. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    EL tracker shows all loot the team has gotten, had how it has been distributed.... ALL LOOT is shown
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Well, say you wanted to scam the team without appearing to do so, you could always keep a 10 ped ESI in your inventory, and say you actually loot a 25 ped ESI, you would just show the team the low TT one. No one would know as long as it was not a global it came from, if it's a global then they could of course calculate from the loot log what the TT should be. This is why I say don't hunt seriously in team with strangers if you agree to share items.
  8. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    on topic, yes that person is dodgy and most likely trying to scam you.

    As 9/10 newbies I ask to make a team put it to either the first option or third,
    1st: Damage: Decides Order
    3rd: Damage: Item Share

    the newbies who pick 1st haven't bothered to read the info(or thought it don't matter), the ones who pick 3rd have read it but don't understand it yet. Very rarely if ever I had an actual newbie pick Queue, so safe to say it was a scam attempt.

    Had this exact thing happen to myself on Cyrene about a week ago, some random avatar ran up and teamed me without so much as a word so I accepted after I finished killing my mob and ofc the team was set to Queue so closed the team and continued on my hunt and warned my friends about him.
  9. Svarog

    Svarog Member

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    There is also this thing called "Healer Loot". I never found time to examine how it works, but a few weeks ago I was hunting Traeskerons and a pixie guy approached me and asked for a little team hunt. I said that I'm doing the challenge and need the killpoints, but he said his opalo won't outdamage me. Well, I just got a global and was in good mood, so accepted his invite, checked that it's set to "shared loot" and kept hunting. His damage was indeed barely noticeable. 3 mobs later we got ~200 ped global of which he got almost everything (most of the oils, and all items - L guns, a fap and an amp). I opened the team settings again and only then noticed the "Healer loot 80%". I didn't heal while we was in team but he did.
  10. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    this game has always had a broken team loot system.. thats why i only team with my brother and we go with looter takes all and after run we trade and put everything into the trade window.. ammo and all then we pay the difference in our tt values.. and ofcourse if theres any notable markup we pay that to eachother (and ofc we use the same gun+attachments and same amount of ammo.. armor and healing costs are ur own business) but this is how u wont get screwd if u happen to hunt bigger mobs and the mob tends to like u more and u need to heal more and whoopididoo it was the 500ped hof where u got 30% coz u were tanking the mob the whole way thru
  11. Elainey94

    Elainey94 Member

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    I think in future if someone asks to team hunt ill be making the team
  12. Arkadia

    Arkadia Member

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    I had the same experience as you someone asked me to join a team and I said yes ofc. But when I told him to change it to shared loot he refused to do so. What was his or hers name?
  13. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    ummm.... tracker has an option to show team loot.... it even keeps track of frag's... so thats not an issue.... it keeps track of everything, not just globals
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    So it displays the TT value of each item looted? By item i mean an L or UL item, not a stackable.
  15. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I've accidentally set the team to this but then I don't usually make teams. When they noticed I split what I had looted, not much as it turned out as it was low end mobs on a tp run, and then remade the team.

    But I've also seen this when I've been asked to do a tp run in vu9 for a new player, they'd managed to setup the team with queued by the time I had reached them and they'd chosen one of the longest runs.

    What they didn't know is that when I tp run I usually don't hunt and avoid spawns if I'm leading, they did put one or two shots into a mob and then expect me to finish it off a few times, no looters or 1 - 2 pec. As we neared our destination, 1 or 2 minutes to go, they logged out and didn't come back.

    Same thing happened a couple of weeks later with another new player in the soc on the same run but I remade the team before we started, they disappeared 1/2 way there. I was on for a few more hours, they didn't log back in.

    Sometimes you'll get someone doing this as they think it's an easy way to get ped. We had one player who would suggest a team hunt, 3-4 of us would join and then they'd run off. We would carry on hunting together but would never see any sign of them doing the same else where. Damage stack share we insisted on probably put them off ;)

    During the old style beacons we'd base it on total decay and ammo used by a player. That way if one player was doing and taking damage they'd get more share than someone sniping and not taking damage.
  16. Elainey94

    Elainey94 Member

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    I wouldn't of thought anything of it if the person hadnt left as soon as i said id change it conveniently going to bed even though they were still online for a bit.