Sal'diresh's Vault Key 10

Discussion in 'Arkadian Underground' started by SallyBridges, Oct 18, 2014.

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  1. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I have now found a Map 10 and Turned this over to a Key 10, the map was found whilst mining tresure planet side on arkadia as sooto.

    The Map mission for this took me from Jasons Bar at celest to Earl Larson at the Tannery

    He was wanting Leather in order to craft the key for me.

    1 Map 10
    9 Madana leather
    53 Halix leather
    708 Generic Leather


    I am getting Excited as Can now enter the Vault SMugglers have been Guarding.


    Key Value From the Traded Goods for this item.


    The Vault Door.

    Please Note I do intend on running this key and have a team formed in order to do this but currently we are unable to access the vaults as this has not been switched on & I will be awaiting the team to all be on again to be reformed to run this.
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  2. Craggan

    Craggan Member

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    Just as a curiosity and slightly off topic here but how many people can you team with for these runs? I tried a vault 1 run with 3 friends and only myself as leader and 1 other could enter. Would be interesing to know the team member limits for all the keys TBH.

    Anyway gratz on the find and GL with the run. WIll be interesting to see what you get from it.
  3. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I have now managed to Run this Key ;) and had an amazing time doing this .

    There Were Lots and Lots of Dehera L22's and then more and more even going up to L60 and L70
    through the later vault rooms ;)

    SO GLad I have now managed to see behind the doors ;) Unfortunately No Discovery's yet but
    Instance loot of Arkoins and so was pretty good and had an absolute blast running this ;)

    193 PED Loot
  4. slither

    slither Active Member

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    193ped loot, i'm guessing with tt of key and ammo/decay it probably cost you close to 400ped to run, am I right?
  5. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I wouldn't have a clue as to how much was spent ;) don't really keep track of things like that. and was running it in a hurry to get out to a fireworks display ;) - wasn't to worried about cost of running as was more interested in the Experience of getting behind the doors and seeing the instance which to me was well worth the cost of it.

    I would guesstimate more around the 300 ped mark to 350 but its also a case of running them to try and get a discovery or find some nice loot unfortunately we didn't this time but as and when I find another map10 whilst mining then will convert to key and run another one.
  6. syntax error

    syntax error New Member

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    I just did 3 runs by myself, 48dps, 2.9eco.

    Avg cost was 275 including the key, loots were 220,189,232.

    The 220 and 232 are break even without the cost of keys. If only the key was given back as UA as with the Aakas instances, these would be worth doing, but I think there was an oversight on Arkadia's part and as it stands I would avoid them.
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  7. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Please look at the date of previous post in older threads before posting, and if instead of necro posting create a new thread.

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