The following are changes that come with Planet Arkadia Patch 2016.1.1 Remaining apartments have the space under the stairs accessible again. Known issues Miner Pet animation still freezes sometimes.
I've been having issues logging in lately and I've been told that I'm apparently not the only one with the issue. I did however manage to get in game on safe mode and noticed that the tracking window is much larger than when I last played a few weeks back. Was it changed or is that a result of safe mode? It's huge.
Sigh. Why change things that doesn't need changing/isn't broken?! It was much better looking and had better functionality before.
The waypoint font was made incredibly small so the balancing team stepped in to make the tracking window stupidly big.
It's a little sad to see it happening time and again. Many times you shake your head at the naysayers, and at the next turn they prove them right. Long-standing bugs and exploits are left untended, while they dedicate resources to changing things nobody asked to change. Okay, that we don't know. Maybe there is a secret lobby flooding them with such requests. /sarc Let's see what the patch brings.
I used to keep the tracking window open all the time, but now it's so ugly I can't bear to look at it. It is actually affecting the way I play missions now
Does any players find it as an improvement??? I didn't and closed it after a few minutes. Hope MA returns it to how it was, small, concise, and useful.
With the recent issue of forced use of Safe Mode to play coupled with small laptop screen, it feels like the Tracking window takes up half the screen. Makes me think of the guy who hates the size of the Progress window.