Planet Arkadia Release Notes 8.2018

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by Dylan | Arkadia, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    We are proud to announce the release of Arkadia Moon.

    With this update comes a complete new area to discover and explore. The moon is filled with many secret, many that are hidden in plain sight.

    The Arkadia Moon is the next expansion to Planet Arkadia's story line and much is still to come.

    Arkadia Moon

    • 4 Teleporters connected and open to the whole community without the need to find them. You have access to 4 corners of the moon.
    • New creatures to be discovered
    • New Missions have been discovered
    • PTECH Industries have opened a base of operations on the moon.
    • Discoveries of a temple show that there is more to the history of the Ancients.

    Planet Arkadia

    • The smugglers have increased their numbers at the Abyss in the Arkadia underground
    • Oratan wave event in the Arkadia Underground have seen a change.
    • Rumor has it, the Oratan plan more attacks on the Firebases across Planet Arkadia
    • Something has changed in the Aakas.

    Known Bugs / Issues (Please post in this thread if you find anything else)

    • When leaving Planet Arkadia, you are spawned into PVP - This was not intended - This will be rectified in the next patch (Please travel safely when going from Planet Arkadia and Arkadia Moon till we announce the fix.
    • Creature Spawns on the Arkadia Moon are thin - This will be increased in the next patch
    • There is a chunk of metal in the middle of nowhere on the moon - Go sights see it before it is removed.

    Further Development

    Please note a new post will follow to show what is to come to the moon in future updates
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  2. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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  3. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Will there be a safe spawning area or at least random exit points from the moon?

    Literally when I went I have no idea where you spawn because I was dead and being teleported to the planetary space station before my system had any chance to render space.

    Thanks for the clarification with regards to being unable to safely leave on arkadia. We're all holding our breath waiting to hear about your plans for this situation with the moon.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  4. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    To be absolutely clear on this part:

    Arkadia Moon

    • 4 Teleporters connected and open to the whole community without the need to find them. You have access to 4 corners of the moon.
    Could you expand on that as if they are just Teleporters for around the moon or capabilities to planet-side/SS via those?

    Thank you for statement, Dylan
  5. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    i must ask. What do you intend doing about the common thieves who exploiting this bug? Will all the stolen good be returned to the victims? Some of us lost thousands of peds, not knowing about the bug, whilst the perps did. Flew quad to my Starfinder XIII with thousands of peds of ores to up my ships SI. only to end up losing it to a common thief. Its easy to attract flies. Just put out some stinky Feases, like you just did.
  6. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Only around the moon.
  7. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Pirate camp Coords: (76862,58454,-120).


    Also there are some pretty big bugs here.
  8. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Can you say whether a paid teleporter down to Arkadia will be included in the fix already? I think this would go a long way to calm down the hubbub. I only heard through the grapevine, not even sure if relayed correctly, that there was a statement in chat from your side that it would be added if enough people wanted it, but that it was on purpose to try without first. I believe that threshold has already been reached. Let's do away with this drama as quickly as possible.

    I don't know what to say to those who lost a lot of valuables here. It sure hurts. I'm not personally affected, if I was I surely couldn't feel cold about it. But I wonder, are you saying you've been winging it like that all the while? Then this was bound to happen one day, one way or another also without this bug. There never was a guarantee that you spawn within the safe zone when leaving a planet and incidents have been reported before. You did take the risk and I'm afraid those asking for compensation won't get very far.
  9. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    While at it how about a t.p. to monria. Something was mentioned a while back about working closer with monria... neither moon have entry fees like planets so why not?
  10. DME | Monria

    DME | Monria Member

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    We were talking about collaborating on some events, nothing more.
  11. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    The Arkadia Moon has a landing fee of 2 PED.
  12. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    To add to San's response, this moon operates like a planet. You pay thruster decay and a 2 ped entry fee then you fly in to land, and you pay thruster decay to give any loot to NVE when you leave.

    There is no space station, there is no safe zone. There is no free entry or exit.
  13. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Hmm... ok. Thanks for the info. Interesting that there's an entry fee. Is this moon considered a 'planet' then?... i.e. is this one of the 'three' new planets mentioned in the deep token white paper?

    Seems odd that this moon would have an entry fee while Monria does not. I guess the fee does qualify this as a 'planet' not just a 'moon'?
    "Simply navigate towards a planet to enter its atmosphere. Entering the atmosphere of any planet by ship incurs an entry fee of 2 PED."

    Maybe think about removing the fee, and/or returning that fee to those that already went in in the early days here before you put in a safe way to exit?

    Thuster item info states something about a stratosphere... guess the Ark moon must have what is defined as a stratosphere?
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
  14. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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  15. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    also, yep, change the name of the auctions... planet arkadia, planet arkadia underground, and planet arkadia moon are all too long... just go Arkadia Moon and Arkadia Underground on the naming there so that it doesn't do that dot dot dot thing at the end since name is too long for the field.
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  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Was going to add some information to the Wiki, but it was down (until the rescue notice earlier this morning) and it seems not sure how its future will be secured, therefore I started a mob survey for the moon here in the creatures section.

    Noticed some oddities and naturally would like to ask, is all of this exactly as intended or are mob infos subject to change/correction?

    - Two different maturities of Sicarius, L15 and L24, are both named 'Soldier'.
    - Oompa and WarHound maturities seem to use the standard naming pattern, but above Provider the ordering is different.

    Is it better to hold off gathering further data until after the patch?
  17. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Wiki is still ugh... works but don't pick select all on one page thing for missions on each planet as u get a missing page error.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  18. DME | Monria

    DME | Monria Member

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    Monria is not a Calypso moon, but rather independent as stated by MA in the FAQ they put out when first announcing that Monria was going on the auction in 2013. We are on the Calypso server and work with the MA team on our development but that's the extent of it.
  19. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    So in your undeniably unbiased opinion should an entry fee be added to monria's t.p. down from s.s. especially if mindark does move monria to it's own server?

    And... if that were to be done should t.p. from monra to caly be destroyed in the process?
  20. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    I'm not sure if there was ever a hint or something published to encourage the notion that Arkadia's moon would be the same sort of system as Monria.

    I think like a lot of people I just assumed since they used the name "moon" for both it would be the same sort of instance/zone/server or whatever. From DME it sounds like the "moon" designation has been removed from Monria anyways so, maybe that will help with these comparisons lol.

    Though TBH probably most players still think of it as "calypso's moon". And it definitely was put together with that as the basis.
    I do seem to recall part of the sales pitch was that this would be an MA owned, player controlled area that was maintained by the Planet Calypso team.

    I'm not sure how we got to speculating on theoretical changes to status of other planets or planet partners? Oh yeah it's because the PP won't answer any questions so there's really no way to have any more useful on-topic conversation I guess ...

    I don't even have a monria forum account so I guess I might as well catch up until there's news from Ark.

    I haven't been in a while but isn't monria pretty much a single server area? I mean what I'm getting at is regardless of it's place in the lore or whatever it's already probably running on "it's own server" since the beginning. I'm fuzzy on the release dates and the change of planet partners but as far as I know MA currently fully owns calypso again anyways.

    I guess while we're on that topic if Monria's not a moon of calypso any more have they broken any of the special links it had? The free teleportand after the starter missions and all that?

    I don't think there was ever any (public) discussion about "Arkadia Moon" being an option for a player's home planet, etc...

    I think it's pretty clear at this point that there's no parallel intended between this moon and Monria.

    EDIT: From DME's link -

    Q: Is the moon part of Calypso or any other Planet Partner?
    A: No, the moon is its own territory, just as other planets.

    It's always been a "moon" in lore only. I'm still not sure if DME is stating a change to the lore or just clarifying the back end business lol.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018