My first article on The Metaverse Tribune made it to the front page - An Entropia Universe Experience . Planet Arkadia is mentioned too. Show some love with positive comments, likes, tweets and anything you like. And expect new article about Entropia Universe every week. Link if your skin is crapy:
"The Metaverse Tribune" is the link, and yeah I know it's hard to see the links sometimes when using "debris" forum skin, but I like the way it is and with some practice you will see it too And I gave you a "like" for it on the page there too
Ah yes and the other one is a link too. On my skin there is zero difference between link and normal text ...sigh
Probably 10 000 more signed on that day. But they don't admit it, couse they are not here for the money And thank you all fot the support.
yeah it seems they changed the date -> changes the URL. I will tro to get back to the old URL instead of updating every forum now