Competition Oratan Ringer Weekend Event

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Attention Arkadians

    It brings us great pleasure to invite you all to this weekends event.

    We request that you get your weapons cleaned, ammo stocks filled and get ready for some massive Oratan onslaught.

    If you are ready for some action, please assemble at REPULSE FIREBASE (Coordinates 15015, 15047).

    The attacks are estimated to hit on Friday the 11th of September 2015 @ 19:00 and expected to end as soon as every last Oratan has been eliminated.

    The IFN personnel will be available to give healing so get ready for full support.
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  2. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Don't forget to bring your sound simulator :biggrin2:

    • Funny Funny x 3
  3. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I got some long life skill pills that need using ;)
  4. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Yeehah! :cowboy: Oh my poor ped card.
  5. Heidi Stassinopolis

    Heidi Stassinopolis Active Member

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    of all the weekends to choose to go away from the internet.... DOH!
  6. Mamma

    Mamma Member

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  7. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    Sounds good; bring it on!
  8. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    That's not true, there's no sound at all, that's why I suggested the sound simulator above :facepalm3:
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  9. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Seems like powerfist time.

    ...was going to say "sounds like" but there's too many puns in this thread already. :smuggrin:
  10. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I don't know who's idea it was to fill the spawns with 90% junk mobs that can be found any day of the week at natural spawns but its completely ruined it for me.

    These shared loot events are like a mass team hunt and I've never wanted to join a mass team to hunt rubbish mobs,who does?
    The idea of a big team hunt is to kill big mobs you couldn't normally kill or wouldn't normally see.

    If anyone wanted to actually hunt these sub lvl50 slashers/miners etc they can do that any time of the day or night already.
    Why fill an event with them?

    Having to kill 200 junk mobs for the chance at 3 boss mobs is just no fun at all.

    I know this is a negative post and I'm sorry for that but the one saving grace that actually encouraged me to depo and go hard on the hunting has just been destroyed.
    It just makes no sense to me at all and has ruined what was the one thing that ade me forget loot returns and just shoot.

    If it was an Ark decision I'm begging you to re-think it.

    If you want people shooting for hours non stop at these events then just spawn big AoE mobs.
    It's been said before I know but how many times must it be said?

    I wont even mention the big TT item drops from miner HoF's,its been done to death and clearly isn't going to change but please,please don't let the whole oratan event thing go to the dogs in this way.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Well I had my 30 minutes of fun, lost the ped I could afford to lose and say thank you. I did get an item even, an Ardora Ballista Mk-2 from a "junk mob". It is on auction if anybody wants it.

    Maybe some of the above criticism goes beyond the subjective and should indeed be considered. I found myself deliberately targeting the "junk mobs" from the sidelines, but just so inside of the healing field. Temptation was too big to pass the chance to gather some points for my mission cheaply, because this way I could attack L24 Slashers and the likes without armour. Additionally, when somebody picked one I drew and had damaged half way down already, they helped me with the killpoints since those are still not shared. I felt it is actually an exploit of the situtation. On the other hand I have little chance to get anything from the big mobs as long as I'm not in the top dps group, so it could be seen as equalizing justice for sinking ped after ped into the Lancers only to help others get their prizes. This way the "junk" is worth much more to me than those. If I find some more ped while it lasts I'll go back to it... but at least it be public knowledge and debate.

    Edit: Stage III completed and not complaining at all. Thanks! Wasn't totally one-sided, others managed to pilfer some from me, too :biggrin2:
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
  12. wournos

    wournos Active Member

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    Been here for an hour and all I can say is I wish there were bigger mobs. Using melee while trying to targeting small mobs makes me run for basically nothing. I'm not looking for good loot return (although that would be nice), I'm mainly skilling, but that does not work here.

    So I call it quits for this time.
  13. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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  14. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Before it gets totally forgotten to mention: There is sound. :vulcan:
  15. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    I was trying to keep it constructive and not rant and rave like a lunatic whilst still getting my point across that it was a sincere plea to make a change.

    Though you've basically said exactly what I did but just on a different scale in that it enabled you to hunt mobs you wouldn't or couldn't normally do which is all I want from it as well.

    As much as I'd love to just have all lvl1k+ mobs with AoE and nothing else I know that's not fair on any one else who wants to participate so I do see the reasoning for these smaller 'junk' mobs but the balance was a bit out of whack for me.
    It seemed like we had to clear a couple hundred small mobs -that already have a natural spawn- just to get one or 2 of the big boss type mobs.

    I haven't had much chance to participate this weekend like I normally would due to family visiting from out of state so I don't know how things continued after the 8-9 hour mark,though when I did log in I noticed the Firebase was still covered with red dots.So I don't know if the number of boss mobs did increase or not.

    I noticed some very nice loots on EL though so grats to those that got a slice.

    One other little thing I have to point out is the perception that the small players are just paying for loot for the bigger players.
    I'm sorry but that's a fallacy.
    10% of the damage gets 10% of the loot just as 1% of the damage gets 1% of the loot so you only ever get out what you put in no matter how much dps you show up with.
    The only time that does become an issue is with the miners in particular that give 70-90% of their loot in items and its something a lot of people have said to me they would like to see the end of also,even those that loot an item tend not to like it-myself included even though I got a high TT item in the short time I was there- because as much as you might get an item there is still the majority of the time when you are just paying for someone else to loot an item.

    I'm not going to say its better for the PP to have 10 people cycling 100dps+ weapons for 10+ hours than it is to have 30 people cycling 20-40dps weapons for an hour or two each as much as that may be the case because everyone deserves to be able to have some fun when these things are on but just perhaps take another look at the balance.

    I'm all for finding the middle ground when it comes to the mob size for these events but this new style just seem a little too unbalanced toward the smaller mobs this time,at least for the limited time I've been able to be there so far.
  16. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    It's the effect of gambling big with a too small bankroll. Unless you get very lucky very early, you hit the wall before it's your statistical turn, and this leads to failure almost 100%. It works well if all participants are about equal, e.g. in an Opalo hunting party on big game. But it doesn't work out for most junior members where they have to compete with those further advanced and equipped accordingly.

    Your vantage point is your own level, and that applies to everybody else as well. Therefore I called it subjective. In that sense I find it quite in order that the event offers something for everybody. Sure there are smaller Oratans in abundance any time, even in wave pits more than any other mobs. I'm still happy that the event exists in the form it does. It offers the greatest variety of all, the crowd is having fun and oneself is having fun with the crowd.

    And I would counter another point of subjective perception, that you have to fight a mass of small mobs every time before getting to a big one. They make them attack in waves, sometimes it's Titan after Titan after Titan, then appears a spawn of the lowly ones, when these are destroyed a wave of Miners, and then something else again. How you like each moment of it is as subjective as every participant. It's mayhem but not Merry Mayhem, so it doesn't hurt to take a break sometimes.
  17. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Don't visit arkadia a lot anymore because of the aakas instance debacle, but i do enjoy these events once in a while.
    Both small and big mobs were fun. Some things that should have been fixed already though:

    Weapon drops: drop 1 ped tt guns like calypso does during migration
    Mobs getting stuck: increase their attack range so they don't get stuck so easily
    Officials: one time we got urged to kill all the mobs around the base and the friggin official stayed at the south gate, and while a bunch of brave colonists were dying over and over again on the northside, the Official spawned some big mobs for the people that were just waiting for the rest to clear up te base.... If you want the base up cleared reward the people that doing it, not the partial afk'ers. Spawn the big mobs on the other side of the base, and actually help the people doing the dirty work. Also talking with lunchbox about dildos is a bit questionable behaviour for game officials.
    Underground: the drones are too small for my taste, there are always people running in front of you making you unable to hit them, or you run in front of other people shooting, I feel you should add bigger size mobs if you want 30+ players to shoot at them. Also i crashed 3 times in the underground today, while i never had any problems all weekend with the oratan attacks :(

    Other then that it was great fun, I hope you guys can get back to becoming great like you were in the beginning.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  18. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    For example, in the past Cyrus would have replied to a post like this :troll:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. the Prophet

    the Prophet Active Member

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    i didn't even join anymore, for several reasons, but maybe i've just spent too many years on ark and got sick of the decreasing event quality and broken promises.

    (i.e. still shitloads of stuck mobs, sound issues, CTDs where i couldn't get back in game for hours or had to redownload, not enough bosses, skill nerf on AoE mobs where we still pay alot of armor decay, but don't get defense skills anymore, and some more reasons...)

    but gz to everyone who was there at the big hofs and/or had some fun! :biggrin2: