Now Hiring: Friendly & Responsible Players

Discussion in 'Services' started by narfi, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    I am looking to hire 5-6 players who meet the following criteria.

    1. Responsible - 100% trustworthy with both my time and money(time is money)

    2. Friendly - Able to get along with 99% of the players they interact with on a daily basis and able to represent me in a favorable light.

    3. Respectful - Able to accept and respect all types of players and how they choose to play the game. From non-depositors to those who deposit Ks of USD a month, male or female, and regardless of religion or ethnicity.

    4. Strong grasp of the English language - English does not need to be your first language, but there should be no confusion or misunderstandings when I (or others) talk to you.

    5. Willing to commit 2-6hrs at a time one to seven days a week.

    6. Able to communicate with me on Skype (out of game) when needed.

    7. Able to do basic math and enter data in spreadsheets.

    Preferential treatment in hiring will be given to the following at my own discretion.

    1. Member of Lost Renegades Society. (we are NOT currently recruiting)

    2. Named on this list.

    3. Well known to me, or in the community.

    4. I currently need more Aussi/Asian time zone players, so they may get hired first as well.

    Pay and Benefits

    Terms will be discussed if you are selected.
    Will include profit sharing and free travel.


    Full in game name:
    Society you are in:

    How long have you been playing?
    What is your average monthly deposit?

    What times do you normally play? (please give MA (UTC) time)
    How many hours a day would you be interested in working?
    How many days a week would you want to work?

    Are you fluent in English?
    How many other languages can you communicate in?

    Please list 2-5 Avatars who you think would give you a strong recommendation:

    It is important that anyone applying for these positions be able to understand and follow instructions. Please do not post your application in this thread, send it to me in a private message on this forum.

    Looking forward to working with you guys :)

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  2. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    subscribing :D

    is this a recruitment thread for a McReady crew?
  3. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    Nope, MacReady is servicing Rocktropia, this is for the crew needed to service Arkadia 24/7 :)
  4. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    Bump it up!

    Got a couple, still hiring more :)

  5. shinosaru

    shinosaru Member

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  6. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    recruitment oveR? any othere services u need?
  7. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    28 has a full crew running 24/7 servicing both Arkadia (with Starfinder XXIV) and Rocktropia (with Mothership MacReady)

    Repair crew are always welcome aboard for free. Captain positions open up from time to time as members of our crews activity levels change, and are only considered on a case by case basis.

    Captains are required to provide their own means of transportation including vtol/quad, thruster, and the 2ped entry fees, so is only available to more established players who understand those costs and can manage them until the end of week payments are made.

    If you are currently involved with our ships and wish to become more involved with the flying aspect then you need to talk to my wife Jessica Riley who is in charge of Hiring/Firing and our ships crew rosters.

    If accepted as a captain, then I or one of our Managers will train you in all aspects of what you would need to know over the period of a couple weeks until you were ready to do your own flights.

    This is not a great way to make ped fast, and as such is only interesting to a very small part of the population who finds more fun in working with a team to solve problems than the actual 'pay' they would receive for their time.