Updates No Changes Anytime Soon?

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Adamas, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Adamas

    Adamas Member

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    We all know the state that Arkadia is in, how long will this be the case?

    I flew back to Calypso for the first time last night so I could put some Items on auction. Now I debate going back to Arkadia. As much as I dont want to support the current owner of Calypso it seems like an easier place to be.

    MA is very soon going on vacation, does this mean there will be no updates until sometime in August? I want to fully support Arkadia and I've been on the planet since Day 1, but it is getting harder and harder.

    We need something to bring players back, soon. I see fewer and fewer people on the planet everyday.
  2. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes, i totally agree with Adamas. I'm really close to heading back to calypso myself. I wonder if it's really that hard/time-consuming to introduce a few achievements or missions with a mini-patch?
  3. Rockchick

    Rockchick Member

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    I really think you need to give them some time, Arkadia has only just opened. Its a great start and you cant expect it to be everything over night :dark:

    As the saying goes 'Rome wasn't built in a day'

    And also remember that it is summer time and people play less :)
  4. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Coming august, new update from arkadia. I think it's august, or maybe (september?). Anyway, treasure hunting will come. Then we can expect many players coming back here, from all planets to check it out :)
  5. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    Even though I fully understand your circumstances and needs, I have to agree with RC. Abandoning Arkadia now takes away the opportunity to help it grow and expand. I would give it a little more time if you can.
  6. Adamas

    Adamas Member

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    Ya, I love Arkadia. It is great. But really hard to live on. And I dont believe staying would help "build" Arkadia, it would just cost me money. Things will only change upon an update. If people aren't here now they are not going to just show up for no reason.

    Lets hope for the best. I'm 99% sure i'm flying back to arkadia today.
  7. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    Please Arkadians i implore you all NOT to become impatient. What is expected of you is wisdom, understanding and decernment. Mindark has issues at the mo, lots of peops lost their VU life, avas and everything, never to return. All planetary studios are stressed to develop for implimentations. Cracking your whip now and trying to push the Devs just aint gonna help at all. If MA goes on Holliday, and loot sucks, take a break too till winter. Perhaps loot will be okay over Christmass.
  8. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    This is also partially to blame on a group of people who keep complaining but don't do anything at all themself.

    There is a group of Arkadians who stretch themselves in any direction to help the economy and community.
    They literally risk there own PED and assets to get hard needed items to Arkadia.
    There is a import list ,thats even made sticky for easy find, where you can post what you need or want to buy.
    And only a few use it.
    There are services offered to get you stuff.
    And only a few use it.
    There was a thread from crafters complaining they could not get recourse.
    I pointed them to the list and invited them to post what they need and we get it.
    You guessed it, no postings where made.

    So maybe instead of complaining maybe work a little bit more together with those who are willing to stick there neck out and help you?

    We are not on Calypso, we are on Arkadia where people stick together and help each other through the hard times.

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  9. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I really think you are over simplifying things here. Lack of certain resources is hardly what makes most people go away.
  10. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    It is for a part.

    And for that part it is not needed to leave.
    The other part is mainly MA, who is on vacation, out for lunch or whatever reason.

  11. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Sorry i have to disagree on this, or at least say you can't be certain it is mainly MA. I've noticed both Ozi and Cyrus getting awfully quiet over the last two weeks, and as far as i know you don't need a lot of input from MA to make missions, achievements or send out a newsletter, or give us some updates?

    When times get tough and people are starting to leave, it's up to the arkadian staff to step up and keep us motivated by using their number one asset: the excellent communication they started with.
  12. Rockchick

    Rockchick Member

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    Is that not because the are working so hard to try and organize the changes/missions/treasure hunts/etc you want implemented? I really think you should give them a break and some time. It took years to get Calypso to where it is, and still peeps whine about it :)
  13. Calin

    Calin Member

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    With as much as the A-Team accomplished in a short time getting ready for launch, I know they are pumping out some great stuff atm. If we don't see any of it til MA gets back to work, so be it. It will be worth the wait.

    A huge issue I see is that MA takes off each summer. With a worldwide customer base they really should figure out a way to split vacations so the work can continue non-stop all year long.

    But, for now... I'll keep chugging along on Arkadia. There is still much to explore.
  14. bass

    bass Member

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    People, we must be realistic. No market, no planet. I've been here since day 1, I've been supporting and loved the planet and the team, I still think that the design of the landscape/spawn is simpler but much superior to Calypso. We all know they have done a great job, FOR A START. But now things MUST go on, othewise the planet will shrink to death, and that's a fact.

    All those who speak about "waiting" (probably hunters, they dont need market so much as miners and crafters)... should we LOOSE money just because "they have done a great start"? No, I will support Arkadia until it will cost me too much in terms of times and ped to do it. And it's getting to that point.

    The main reason I've left PC was lack of support and answers from FPC/SDS. Sorry to see that there are bad signals from that point of view here too.

    Dont get me wrong, i'm still here and probably will stay, but not getting the ores/enm/bp rebalance before august (probably september then) is not something we can be happy about.
  15. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Maybe, maybe not, that's why i want the communication back to the level it used to be. :)
  16. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    yeh steam summer camp sales are really where my PEDs are going atm. Way better entertainment for less money. Just speak with your wallet and at some point MindArk WILL realize that they got it wrong with the latest VU. It just takes time and a low enough addiction level to Entropia to be able to take an extended break. :p

    PS: No I don´t want to advertise other games or say u shouldn´t spend cash on Arkadia. Of course you should coz Arkadia will be awesome... just don´t spend it right now! ;)
  17. Rockchick

    Rockchick Member

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  18. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Always feel free to disagree, thats the beauty of a discussion. :)

    As far as I know, MA has to do the updates, the PP's only can say what needs to be in it.
    And as we all know, they have vacation or there update manager's dog has diarrhea or something.
    So we have to wait on them to wake up.

    And for the silence, I go with the others.
    The A-Team is probably too busy to get things ready.

    But again, thats only to my knowledge.

    And for crafters and tailors, I can not urge enough to use and post in the import list so we pilots can get the goods to Arkadia.

    It is also a matter of the community to get this economy going, and not put everything on the shoulders of the A-Team alone.

    As I said in another post: The success of Arkadia is not upon the shoulders of a few, it's upon the shoulders of all of us.

  19. bass

    bass Member

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    1. MA-PP tale: we - customers - don't care where the fault is. It's a long story, and always the same, and I'm "old" here enough to know all the details. But I don't care. I want answers (look, I havent even said solutions, answers), and if MA wont provide them on their own (and we know they dont) I will always complain with the PP because they ARE MY INTERFACE. Full stop, this should be clear to every person involved; that is what customer care is. I hoped that A-Team had more strengh on MA than FPC/SDS, but maybe it's not so.

    2. Dont come to tell me that keeping your base informed with some answer is because people is too busy. Unrealistic.

    3. Crafter, tailors, economy: Atlan, I dont want to rely on "third parties" services, although I appreciate them: PP must do everything it can to make the market in the conditions to survive: that REQUIRES BPs using local ores. All we can do now is selling generic ores or ospra to resellers that will go back to calyspso gaining on MU difference. Voilà.

    I'm ranting because I DO AM helping the community like you say, mining and selling, so I deserve the right to rant :)
  20. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    A couple of points here:

    First of all, interplanetary trade (at least in stackables) is going to be severely reduced by the decision of MA to make all of space lootable PvP. The reason for doing this is transparently obvious - all that lovely decay! - but they may find that they have shot themselves in the foot.

    Secondly, the market on Arkadia is at least somewhat depressed by the lack of use for most of the resources here - including most of the ores, but also particularly various animal hides. It certainly seems as if the Arkadia devs have decided to make a lot more of the Arkadia mob loots as the appropriate hides. No problem - except that there is going to be nothing to do with them for at least a month and maybe more. Which is a pity, because I think that some of the Arkadia mob hides are going to make nice-looking clothes; Oro and tiarak being among them.