[h=3]New packages in the Entropia Webshop[/h]Packages containing Cympatech's useful Revival Chips and Package-sets of Universal Ammo, Autoloot pills and Revival Chips have been added to the Entropia Universe webshop. The packages are available in different sizes to suit your needs. They offer a great value for money for any Entropia Colonist, veterans and newcomers alike. Log in to the webshop using your Entropia Universe account at; https://account.entropiauniverse.com/account/shop/ Screenshot from the Entropia Universe webshop Originally posted here...
I guess they figure you'll get looted in space of the pills and h-dna, so they don't want to charge you for them.
Actually seems like quite a good deal if the rumours I'm hearing are correct ---> Currently, depositing via CC to buy ammo, $100 USD will result in 965 ped (obviously the charges are different for other methods).....however (so the rumour goes) if you buy the $100 USD pack above, you get 1000ped worth of (universal) ammo plus extras. If this is the case, then it certainly seems a far better value for money, at least for the hunters. Would be nice to see a similar opportunity presented for Miners too in the future. Questions I have on this though: 1. Is the universal ammo tradable? (I'm on my phone atm so too lazy to look it up) 2. If it is, does that provide a way for people to circumvent the deposit charges? 3. Are the extras (loot pills and H-DNA) tradable from these packs? 4. If so, what will that do the the current market on H-DNA? 5. If you buy ammo, where does the money go? If I buy ammo from an Arkadian TT, does X% of it go to Arkadia with the remaining Y% going to MA (PP agreement)? If so, what happens if I buy these ammo packs, does 100% of the money go straight to MA? Don't get me wrong, I'm not against MA making money (after all, how else do we maintain our lovely universe?), but I want to do everything I can to help and promote Arkadia too. Enquiring minds want to know
I dont think this is the right question. If you buy something from TT there is no income for anyone. It's just a straight transformation of peds into a tangible object or stackable. The web purchase is really an alternative form of deposit. Do PPs get revenue from deposits?
Not sure as I haven't bought one but based on the starter packs, the ammo is not tradable, but the H-DNA and loot pills are tradable (and currently lootable too). Hopefully there are no extra charges. As far as where the money goes... it should be no different than making a regular deposit: the money goes straight to your ped card, what planet you spend it on is your choice. If Arkadia gets income based on decay then if you choose to hunt on arkadia, they get a portion of your decay.
Ah good point Kikki. Yes badly worded that question...should have thought more when writing it....I got distracted by something shiny Ah but this is the thing I'm questioning, a regular deposit (depending on the one you use) does have additional charges. If these packs are just straight bought at the webshop then you are getting 1000ped (ammo) + tradable pills and H-DNA for $100 USD....... Might have to spend a bit to get first hand evidence to confirm/refute the current rumour....unless someone beats me to it
Personally I think its a nice move. I feel alot better about my depo's when I get 100% of it. I have bought the 10sud and the 50usd and you get the full value in the ammo. The H-DNA and Loot Pills are jsut an added bonus.
Thankyou Kitten! :kitty: So going by that, you get 1010ped straight TT value plus whatever the MU is on H-DNA. Mighty fine value for money there IMO and ideal if that is all you want/need to go for a hunt. Hmmm, I can feel a good business idea forming here.....
It does look like a fine deal, everyone needs ammo after all so why not take the bonus goodies. hehe - $100 depo -> 1010ped of stuff. The bound ammo MUST be cycled, and therefore will likely represent 600-900ped of loot when used. - $100 depo -> 965ped. PED can be grown/multiplied immediately, or used for any number of activities. So which is better? I dunno, but I think I will try the Universal Ammo at least once.