New to EU looking to learn as much as possible

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Devinkemp, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Devinkemp

    Devinkemp New Member

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    Hello Fellow Arkadian's, I am new the the game and haven't made a deposit yet because i don't understand the best ways to manage and have only been sweating but would like to learn more of the game and know that if i just jump in and make a deposit i will likely fail and the experience will make me not want to continue to play and i don't want to do that.
    I have played many MMO's and about half way through Ive always ended up quitting due to lack of interest after that point and every MMO just is too similar that's what i think really interests me about this game the risk of losing real money and the challenge it brings is a very interesting concept and has intrigued me into wanting to learn to play this game to its full enjoyment.
    My in-game name is Shicken
    Looking for a mentor if possible and of course friends to make my EU Experience as Fun as possible :)
    so any one with any questions please feel free to ask me any questions
    thanks for any one who reads this and much appreciate your time and help
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Greetings and salutations Shicken.

    There are a lot of very experienced and helpful people here and plenty of information to assimilate. Have a look in the Mentor Services section for a mentor that may be in or around you playing times/time zone. I can personally vouch for quite a few people there. The community you will find here at PAF is a fair bit more helpful and mature than you might otherwise find on other forums and you will always find people willing to help and answer questions.

    I'd also recomment having a good look through the New Player Area forums threads for good starting info, and maybe a look in the Tutorials section too.

    Glad to see that you have a keen mind and the right sort of attitude coming to EU as it is vastly different to other MMos out there, the least of which is due to the effect of real life money involvement. Social skills can be equally as valuable when "playing" EU as player skills. You'll find that your journey here is going to be a long one, but it can be very fulfilling and worthwhile if you take the long view of it, which by the looks, you already have.

    Goodluck in your travels. Feel free to PM me at any point if you need help.
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome to Arkadia!

    I'd be happy to mentor you and help you learn the game. I'm experienced at hunting, mining, crafting, and trading and I recently set up a soc for my students, which so far is working out great. There's a lot to learn about the game and you're absolutely right, a good mentor can help you avoid some of the expensive pitfalls that new players can fall into. I'll send you a friend request in game and we can chat more if you're interested.
  4. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    Well you did the wise thing and that is to first ask help and advice before depositing and squandering your peds. A basic underlying rule I have learned over the year is that you will get back 95% of all tt that you spend... the fun and challenge is overcoming this and profiting. If your interest is hunting I can help you out, mining I know some off as well... crafting I do occasionally but its not rly my thing.

    cheers Mord