Misc loot - 27 feb

Discussion in 'Selling' started by Galen, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. Galen

    Galen New Member

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    Hi, as follow the list:

    164x Corria timber
    162x Miluca timber
    272x Animal oil residue
    2x Paint can (yellow)
    4x Paint can (blu)
    19x Tier I component
    51x Socket I component
    2x Thin wool
    6x Wool
    1x Fine wool
    452x Animal hide
    4x Soft hide
    1x Fine hide
    9x Focus lense component
    2x High speed control component
    6x Basic leather extractor
    51x Diluted cloth extractor
    13x Superior cloth extractor
    27x Hairspray
    11x Hair Gel

    The total TT value is 64.00

    Accepting all offers.

    Sorry for the small quantities, cannot afford big hunts.:D

    P.s. Send a message in game to Galen Muten Lyun
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2016
  2. The Beggar

    The Beggar New Member

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    [#arktrade] [Galen]: Help the little hunter! Buy the loot! http://arkadiaforum.com/threads/random-loot-18-feb.13275/

    Shady guy. Using website to promote ingame instead of using the blackmarket ( Arktrade channel )

    I Did buy from him for a price that was way over MU.

    "Galen: Thank you, good luck with the swuinting."
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Galen

    Galen New Member

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    Wow, was editing the thread and i see this?!

    I clearly said to you to make an offer, you refused.

    Then I stated the MU price i set over each single item (below general MU) to you, and you are saying i sold you at a price over MU?

    Here our nice chat log:

    Galen Muten Lyun: yes
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: how much for those?
    Galen Muten Lyun: No % set, so you could offer.
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: dont know you are the one who are selling it
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: im a noob too
    Galen Muten Lyun: oh ok, you need for crafting/socmates?
    Galen Muten Lyun: Or reselling?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: no just want it for later ingame :/
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: started 48 days ago
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: But do you have a price?
    Galen Muten Lyun: Oh, yes, i could put those on a calculator.
    Galen Muten Lyun: Let me check the MU and i'll tell you in a minute.
    Galen Muten Lyun: ok price set at: ospra 104%, Zolphic oil 101%, Hydrogen steam 107%, Kaz stone 101%.
    Galen Muten Lyun: Everything is under MU. If you everything is: 5.55peds (minus rounded, so you may get something for TT value only).
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: is your price 5.55 ped?
    Galen Muten Lyun: For all the four resources, yes.
    Galen Muten Lyun: TT value is 5.38
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: can you meet me up ?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: im in a middle of swunting
    Galen Muten Lyun: Yes, of course, are you at celeste outpost?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: aaah nah
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: like i say im a noob :p
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: [30800, 9832, 114]
    Galen Muten Lyun: On my way
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: just take your time
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: what is your price again? so i can have the money ready
    Galen Muten Lyun: 5.55
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: TT value is 5.38
    Galen Muten Lyun: yes
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: You were desperat to sell it all and give me a price way over :/
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: Now its rising
    Galen Muten Lyun: What is a price over?
    Galen Muten Lyun: 5.38 is the TT price of the resources, with the MU i applied (less tha actual MU) the rpice become 5.55
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: and why do you sell your time?
    Galen Muten Lyun: Sell my time?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: Why do you sell your material?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: SAME SAME BUT DIFFRENT WORD
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: BE MORE OPENMINDED!
    Galen Muten Lyun: Because i've no need of them since i'm a hunter.
    Galen Muten Lyun: And if i don't sell what i loot than i cannot hunt.
    Galen Muten Lyun: then*
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: hmmm..
    Galen Muten Lyun: You sell the sweat are you making?
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: from now on yeah
    Galen Muten Lyun: Same goes for me with my loot.
    Galen Muten Lyun: no ped = no ammunition/weapons = no hunt
    Galen Muten Lyun: Thank you, good luck with the swuinting.
    Galen Muten Lyun: If you're not fine with the trading, i could trade back the 5.55peds for the stuff.
    Ruano Beggar Bjornhaug: "All trades in Entropia Universe are final."
  4. ihazbackup

    ihazbackup Member

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    well, a lot of ppl are actually using websites or forum post to sell their items, and I don't understand why do u think it's shady (why do u think there's a "Selling" section in the forum?). it's allowed to do so. I even advertised my loot using my blog once

    imo, they are actually lower than weekly and daily MU.
    U're only here since 48 days ago, u still have (so very) much to learn
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Antrace

    Antrace Member

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    Math. 5.55/5.38=1.031 ..
    To me its a right mu.

    GL Galen
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  6. Galen

    Galen New Member

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    Thank you ihaz and Antrace.:)