Merry Mayhem Pulsar Plate 3 TT Giveaway

Discussion in 'Events' started by happy_hipster, Dec 6, 2021.

  1. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Taking Too Much COLD Damage From Mayhem Mobs?

    Pulsar Plates have been VERY good to me. As a result, during Halloween Mayhem, I gave away seven sets of Pulsar 2 at TT value. I would like to do something similar this year for Merry Mayhem, whose mobs are primarily cold damage.

    Current Set Prices:
    Caly AUCTION 210p 150%
    Private Trade 189p 135%

    For every set of 7 Pulsar 3 Plates I sell at or just below MU, I will register the purchasers for a chance to get refunded the entirety of their MU. Auction sales will qualify, be sure you buy a complete set though, and that I am the seller. Jack Hipster Kimble

    For every seven sets of plates registered, I will also set aside a plate to give away FREE.

    Contest winners will be selected by a random number generator from the list below at the time of goal completion.

    And if, by chance, I sell 49 sets of Pulsar 3 Plates, I will give away a FULL SET of PP3 for FREE in a separate drawing. I will give away ALL AVAILABLE FREE PLATES the last day of Mayhem if, by chance, I do not reach the 49 set goal.

    Of course, this will all depend on materials availability, I am unsure Arkadia can support such a massive production of plates, or if the market can bear the sale of them.

    We will see!

    Pulsar 3 Blueprint Available if you want to make them yourself!

    Trade Ad:
    Win FREE [Pulsar Armour Plate 3 (L)] or get them for TT Value, buy NOW and stay out of the cold this Mayhem!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2022
  2. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    #1 thw jenny frau > 196 - 140tt = 56p
    #2 Matin Tukilee Brinkoff > 189 -140tt = 49p
    #3 [Joseph Aglandiir Cristofaro]> 189-140tt = 49p
    2nd AWARDED #4 [Bendorian]> 189-140tt = 49p
    1st AWARDED #5 Emil Sulje Suljatovok> 189-140tt = 49p
    #6 Avatara Light X-tra > 196 - 140tt = 56p
    #7 Thomas Trixz Beckers> 196 - 140tt = 56p
    #8 Tihkal Tihk Elesdee 189-140tt = 49p
    FREE PLATES #9 Avatara Light X-tra 189-140tt = 49p
    #10 [yoyo yaya] > 189-140tt = 49p
    #11 [Ohohsiol] 189-140tt = 49p
    3rd AWARDED #12 Avatara Light X-tra > 189-140tt = 49p
    #13 Avatara Light X-tra > 189-140tt = 49p
    #14 miss jalia berovil > 189-140tt = 49p
    #15 Avatara Light X-tra > 189-140tt = 49p
    #16 Avatara Light X-tra > 182-140tt = 42p
    #17 Emil Sulje Suljatovok> 182-140tt = 42p
    #18 tHe muhfuging man 189-140tt = 49p
    #19 [funkyfishy bangfap lootswirlie] 189-140tt = 49p
    #20 Avatara Light X-tra > 210-140tt = 70p
    #21 eceri eceri vego >210-140tt = 70p
    #22 [Giuliano adm Noooo]>210-140tt = 70p
    #23 Avatara Light X-tra>210-140tt = 70p
    #24 Young Axander Alexender 210-140tt = 70p
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
  3. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Giveaway Winners

    1st Drawing: 12/10 #5 Emil Sulje Suljatovok> 189-140tt = 49p **AWARDED**
    2nd Drawing: 12/27 #4 [Bendorian]>189-140tt = 49p **AWARDED**
    3rd Drawing
    1/4 #12 Avatara Light X-tra > 189-140tt = 49p **AWARDED**

    3 FREE PLATES 1/10 #8 Avatara Light X-tra > 189-140tt = 49p

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2022
  4. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Reminder to all potential participants:

    I am selling a LOT of single and multiple plates, but not sets of 7.

    Be sure you are buying SEVEN(7) plates and
    all have the seller name Jack Hipster Kimble or
    you will not qualify!

    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
  5. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Pulsar Plates Are the Best Plates to Reduce and Stop The 25% to 37% Cold Damage From Winter Mayhem Mobs!

    Its almost over, and I will guage it as a success even if it ended today, right now. Thank You!
    I have made and sold somewhere around 200 plates, given away 98p, have two plates for the last day, and see a final sales rush coming.
    With 20 of 49 sets sold, it is not very probable but still quite possible to reach the intended goal.

    What I am anticipating, and need your help attaining, is for Lootius itself to reward me for my hard work and careful planning. I will give a portion of every PP3 Global and HoF to a random participant, regardless of past awards. If I score an ATH, I will give that same portion as well as a FULL SET of PP3 and a PP3 BLUEPRINT. It is time for me to put my money where my mouth is, but first I need crafting windfalls driven by sales and production to justify sharing said money.

    The more you buy, the more I make, the more I will give away. Easy.

    I will currently set the WINDFALL REWARD at 4.08% for 20 sets sold,
    and it will increase in increments of 1/49 per set sold to a maximum of 10% when the goal of 49 sets are achieved.​
  6. happy_hipster

    happy_hipster Active Member

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    Final MM Clearance Promotion

    Buy a PP3 plate of MINE on Caly auction NOW I will sell you six more to complete the set at 115%.
    This will qualify you to win your MU back, and the final set of free plates, now at (3), which will be drawn 1/10.
    Total cost =168p (30+138)

    MU Prize will be:
    10p Auction Purchase + 18p Final Six in Private Trade= 28p

    While supplies last, may be some travel delay, must buy all 7 to qualify
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022