Mentor in United Kingdom: John Deadmanwalking Harding - Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Trading

Discussion in 'GMT -1 to GMT +1' started by johnsh, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. johnsh

    johnsh Member

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    [IMGRT] Kingdom.png[/IMGRT]Avatar Name: John Deadmanwalking Harding
    Player Since: 2006
    Society: Freelancer

    Time Zone: GMT
    Country: United Kingdom

    Main Professions: Hunting, Mining, Crafting, Trading

    Days Usually Online: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    Time Usually Online: Evening
    Usual Hangout Location: Celeste Quarry

    How to Contact Me: Arkadia Forum, Private Message, In-Game

    Additional Information: I will help you understand the game, whether you choose to deposit or go the non depositer method.
    Been playing since 2006, with a 2 year break.
    Learn how to be economical and make your peds go the furthest.
    No pressure to graduate in a set time and of course still available to help when you do graduate.
    What i won't do is give free items, sorry. Too many scammers creating alts and taking advantage of mentors.
    I choose to live on arkadia, although i do make frequent trips to calypso.
    You will find me online most evenings 5pm to 11pm gmt, longer weekends.