Marty's trading and delivery service

Discussion in 'Services' started by Marty Anderson, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. Marty Anderson

    Marty Anderson Member

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    Hellow Ark

    As you all know I'm a regular trader and miner on planet Arkadia.
    You can find me every day mining or trading at quarry.
    I'm buying almost every ore and enmatter that can be found on the planet except the rare ones.
    Every amount, doesnt matter how small it is, I will buy it so don't hesitate to look for me.
    I will not post a pricelist here because my rates are updated every day but you can always pm me for my % on stuff you have for sale. Normaly Ill be buying -3 to -5/6% below day/week mu depending on the item and on the amount sold that day.

    Because i also travel a lot between Ark and Calypso i will also be doing some delivery services.
    So if you need a specific material of a bp for example that cant be found on Ark, I will get if for you on Calypso.
    If the market is getting empty on some materials i can also ship some to Ark.

    For the shipping of ores and enmatter i will be charging a few % but they will always be negotiated in advance. Im asking a small fee to pay for my shipping costs. Though im using scheduled flights so fees will be low of even reduced to none depending on what you need and how fast you need it.
    I will try to make sure that there will always be enough materials in auction but if there is not enough please ask me to get some more for you.

    Im still a noob in trading but Im trying to help everybody out and ark nice place where miners can keep their peds flowing and bombs dropping and crafters can also get a fair price on their materials so the price on tools can be fair.
    So if you need anything, please let me know and i hope that we could work something out that will be fair for all inhabitants of Arkadia. Im also open to good deals and new idea's so make sure you look me up at quarry.


    Marty Anderson aka the Blue Polarbear