Hey I was wondering what skills it takes to heal without a tool is it somekind of magic and if so how do i gain it ? Is it worth it or just for fun? And does it have something to do with these mindforce chips? Witch i dont know what does yet -Zont
Yes, is mindforce chips, and they can be healing, damaging ones - they are the equivalent of magic in EU. And they function with mind essence as "ammo", they also decay, etc - so practically they are just like regular healing tools / weapons, just cooler.
You will need some items in order to use mindforce chips and skills so that you can use different levels To start with you will need to have a Mind Force Implant - you can get this from the Trade Terminal You will also need to implant this and so will need the implant tool - as and when your skills increase you might need a different implant in order to use hiugher level mindforce chips. You will Also need The Implant Inserter You then need to move the Implant on to the inserter tool and then equipe and use this will then implant it in to your avatar so you can use mind force chips. You will also then need Synthetic Mind Essence ( Or For Teleportation Mind Essence force nexus + sweat = mind essence ) Again this comes from the trade terminal or auction for teleportation You will then need a Mindforce chip so that you can heal There Are Numerouse Chips Available going up to some in this profession ( Bioregress or biotropic ) that you are then able to use to resurect people when they die this is quite high up in the proffession level but is the skill used to do this. You can Resurrect Dead People with the abouve mind force chip very very cool to do and see and uses a bit of mind essence ;D This is one reason people choose to use Mindforce healing rather than the traditional fap / herb box / healing tools
Mindforce healing tends to be about 20-30% less economical than traditional FAPs, but the chips are much cheaper than FAPs for the same output of healing. The reason I like to use MF healing though, is the pink glow.
Also: the Inserter is only needed to insert the Implant: after using it, you can sell it back to the TT Terminal. So you don't have those peds locked up in a tool that you will likely only use a few times in your EU career. Mindforce might not be as eco, but it's fun and has some unique features. Like Regeneration Field Chips that can heal several people at the same time. (Poof: big pink cloud over everyone.) If you want to use MF more, you can start by sweating, which gives some MF skills. And while keeping an eye out for a good mentor; this up-to-date EU Guide is a good read.
I frankly dont bother with mindforce anymore, vehicles made my TP chip redundant, and if you go to a area with item restrictions (hunt the thing, the hub, ancient greece, etc) the implant is ripped out of your head. Clothing decay is bad enough as it is but I'll be damn if I'm gonna pay 2 ped to reinsert every time I go to one of those places.
This has been fixed if I'm not mistaken. At least it was the last time I went to these places.. Not sure about Ancient Greece.. Haven't been there for some time, but I don't recall having to re-insert it after my last visit...