Hello I would like to advertise my healing service here: I'm healing for decay (+MU if there is any), and atm I have maxed Hedoc SK-20's (L) and Herb Boxes. In crisis situations (critical hits), if You want I can also use FAP-90 ( which is similar to Ek-2600, little less heal/s, but better eco), however I'm not maxed on this one yet. I'm always trying to be eco for customer (not using autoheal to generate more skills and decay), and if You want I can heal only below some hp%. EDIT: Some basic information about avaible tools: Herb Box: heal: 11.3-15.0 uses: 30/min heal/sec: 6.56 eco: 10.06 hp/pec Hedoc SK-20(L): heal: 25.7-34.3 uses: 20/min heal/sec: 10.00 eco: 9.50 hp/pec Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-90 (I'm not maxed on this one yet): heal: 40.0-40.0 uses: 27/min heal/sec: 18.00 eco: 5.71 hp/pec If anyone is interested, please contact me by PMs.