My character is about 1 year old, an Arcadian 'native', has about 20K levels of skills, top profession 10 in laser sniping, does a lot of swunting and hunting, and is trying to get good at mining. I manage to pop in a few times a week and swunt when doing more than one thing at a time (like right now), or hunt when I have the luxury of being able to to focus entirely on the game. Without the social aspect I feel the game is lacking a vital dimension so I'd really like to connect with some other players on more than just a trade level. I'm looking for a society that is based out of Arcadia or has at least 10 members on the planet and has a sense of community. Obviously if it is focused on activities beyond my character (such as crafting) it won't do for either of us.
I'd suggest you add a little about yourself, where you from.. Etc. Most soces don't really stay on 1 planet. Cheers!
I'm from around Pittsburgh, am over 50 and have a family. Been gaming since I was 13. The first 'gamer game' I played was Diplomacy, the second was Rise and Decline of the Third Reich, then got into D&D when it was in its infancy soon after. I love conservative talk shows, sci-fi (no duh!), and bees. We home school, and as seems to be the case for most married men, there is a constant tug-of-war between my passion for my wife and my passion for my games, with my wife usually the winner I get to work from home Tuesdays and Thursdays (I'm a computer programmer) and thus get to do a lot of AFK action in Entropia during those times such as swunting gallards. I'm not really looking for a SOC to give me anything, I just want to connect with some folks in game. I find that a game like this is much more fun if its a shared experience.