RSS Feed Longtooth performance test event

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    During the last Longtooth event two weeks ago we gathered a lot of information that has shown truly helpfull in analyzing bottlenecks and performance issues inside Entropia.

    In order to further investigate some of the bottlenecks in the system we have installed additional log and measurement equipment in areas primarily related to network connections and server redundancy. To test these areas of the system we will launch another event similar to the one held on January 13 tomorrow, January 27 2015.

    Longtooths will spawn in Port Atlantis and near Camp Icarus at the following locations:

    Longtooths with shared loot:

    Location - longitud, latitude:

    Camp Icarus - 63314, 74559
    Port Atlantis - 61509, 75119
    Port Atlantis - 61602, 75270
    Port Atlantis - 61345, 75286

    Longtooths with non shared loot:

    Port Atlantis - 61241, 75636

    First spawns will start at 16.00 UTC and are expected to run until 16.45 UTC.
    Wave two will start at 17.00 UTC and are expected to run until 17.45 UTC
    Wave three will start at 18.00 UTC and are expected to run until 18.45 UTC

    After that Longtooths will continue to spawn for another 24 hours at certain locations.

    We are planning additional load events later on this year with focus on other parts of the system as well.

    We hope you enjoyed the last event and have time to check in for some fun Longtooth hunting again tomorrow!

    We have also put up a video from the last event that shows some intense action around the L530 Longtooths spawning in the midst of Port Atlantis, check it out on the Youtube channel

    For details about UTC time see

    Continue reading...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
  2. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Why do we get irrelevant spam on this planet? Just goes to show MA is only worried about Calypso.
  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Arkadiabot isn't intellegent enough to figure out what's relevant and what isn't, it's got nothing to do with MA.
  4. May

    May Active Member

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    Aw, don't be so hard on the poor bot: to be fair, he did put it in the "Non-Arkadian" sub forum.
    It's not his fault that MA apparently considers Universal server issues a Caly thing. [​IMG]

    Because even though it's great that MA is doing something to locate (and then hopefully fix) server issues, I have to admit that the way it's handled is becoming slightly annoying.
    There might be compelling technical reasons to (again) focus on Caly alone.
    But since we don't know any of those eventual reasons, it can start to feel like 'disguised' mini LT Immigration events.
    Whether it is intentional or not: in the end it's promoting/advertising Caly. :whistling:
    Sometimes I wonder about MA's publicity choices.
    The first event video on the MA channel, and it's about a server performance test 'event' on Calypso.
    Why showcasing a lagfest video, shot by a player, on the Entropia Universe Official Channel? [​IMG]
    If you're going to host participant videos, there might be others that would be better advertising than showing how laggy EU can be: e.g. "Explore Space" or "Like Vikings with Swords ATH".

    At least once those 'later in this year' events are done; we'll have stable servers at the end of the year or 2016?
    Yay!(?) Stay positive.
    /End of futile grumble post. [​IMG]
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I do see your point but the Bot is just doing as it's programmed and reads the MA RSS feed.
    Yep, EXACTLY what I programmed to do ;)
  6. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    We did get the spam messages about the servers going down... When those messages are in "play" we cannot run keys, the system just will not allow you to enter.
    I just find it interesting that Arkadia gets 1/2 the globals that Calypso does, with far less of a population... And yet, there is hardly any attention paid by MA when it comes to performance issues. MA's relationship with Calypso is the very definition of a conflict of interest. Oh well... just have sit back with the popcorn, watch and laugh
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Caly is absolutely the right place to run these sorts of stress tests. It's much easier to generate load there. And while the impact is felt across EU that means that the lessons learned can be applied to the benefit of all. The only thing I don't like about it is the excessive drops of unl armour given we get fuck all unl armour drops here on arkadia.
  8. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    It's simple: Because we still get Calypso BPs when crafting long runs :) Today did a Carabok Texture run and only got Calypso BPs...The question is, do we need to go to Calypso to get the Arkadia BPs? heh