Let's discuss the other side of this.

Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by Mutant Atrax Stalker, Aug 24, 2018.

  1. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Ok, it's day 4. I'm back on the ark forum after a couple of years because what's happened at the launch of the new moon is a mess that shouldn't be discussed only at PCF.

    Still nothing on this mess. Two/three days after the release a nod to the fact that leaving the planet is broken. Conflicting statements regarding what "ark devs" have been saying in chats. Direct questions completely unacknowledged, much less answered.

    Some people are holding on to the idea that this is a mistake.

    Let's be clear. This moon was built and released with no provision for safe exit. It's the first space location without a space station of some sort, and it's so close to Arkadia Space Station that a normal safe zone would ALMOST overlap.

    The ONLY official statement or reference to this is a statement that you are not supposed to be spawned into PVP when you are leaving Planet Arkadia. And a whole lot of people are so eager for something positive they're trying to assume that this includes the moon and that there is a safe moon exit and a TP to the planet coming.

    Folks that's not what was said.

    For those who don't see it, no safe exit from the moon will really bring to the fore the auction transport fees. I almost want to see this as a good sign, he planet partner being on the path to the platform owner's ultimate goal of transport missions and other things to force money into space.

    I am not ok with them forcing it directly into other players pockets.

    I've also posted in the past that I would be interested in a system where you entered space at a random point somewhere around a planet. Maybe or maybe not actually according to where you left it, but not at a single "spawn point" every time.

    What I'm pointing out is anything's possible. I'm a fan of arkadia and I'll try new things.

    But it's going to change a lot of things. And how that goes depends on you, Dylan|Arkadia.

    You and your team. Get out here and live up to your rep as communicative developers. Work with your players and investors to make this a smooth and supported transition. You made a HUGE mess here.

    Get your heads out of whatever orifices you have collectively stuck them in and front up.

    There are three problems here. You have addressed one (several days late) and continue to ignore the others. This is very straightforward:

    Was a safe exit from the moon originally planned for this release, or not?

    Was a TP to planet supposed to be provided for this release?

    Whether safe exit from the planet was planned has already been addressed. I realize that you may not WANT to answer these questions, but that's awfully nasty of you to think that the negative feelings will go away if you continually ignore the question.

    Based on what's happened, and the rumored statement from an "Ark dev" in game it seems clear that you guys put it out this way and are 'hiding' (refusing to interact or acknowledge questions and issues) while you guage the backlash.

    If you need to hide and plan out an "after the fact statement", well come on. It's pretty clear and supposedly stated by your own team that you stuck it to us on this one. On purpose.

    Would you care to address this issue? OR the other claims from a player who says they have (but so far won't link to) video of an "ark dev" stating that this is all a big mistake and next VU we'll have safe zones everywhere and TP to planet.

    Also I'd like to say that while I made a brief comment in that other thread I was VERY disappointed to find it locked. I don't know your history here but if you like to clamp down or block what you call "space drama" then you need to chill out fast.

    This IS arkadian drama. You HAVE invited this. I want that drama on the forum because it's now become important to know who is who in space just to move around between the arkadian planetary system.

    The crunch is on, it's all cute that you like to hang out with fanbois when things are good but man, one speck of trouble and you guys start vanishing into the woodwork and suppressing player conversations?

    Good morning wtf planet is this?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    I totally agree with what has been said above. I started the thread that was locked - and what ever did I hope to achieve?

    Maybe thinking people will see it as an example of the dangers of making a post when angry.
    And of relationships that were poisoned in the past and continue to be poisoned now.

    I deeply dislike the whole concept of piracy - all I ever wanted when coming to space was the opportunity to improve ay ability to craft.
    And eventually to unlock scientist through repairing. I have never been involved in piracy directly or indirectly.

    All my actions have done was make me look a bloody fool - and to bring humour to pirates as they had much enjoyment laughing about my post. And of course taking enjoyment from the fact that united opposition to them was not going to happen.

    I flew up to Varyag to see if I could help in any way - naturally was destroyed as soon as I appeared.

    I was totally unable to achieve anything at all, was outflown & outgunned, watched a succession of players get hunted down & killed & looted, and there was nothing I could do about it - if anything I was helping pirates as they were able to hide behind Varyag.

    I really looked forward to seeing the new Ark moon and this whole issue has made me angry & distressed. Something that should not happen in a game.

    Two final things - yes Dylan you have invited this. Better ways you could have acted.

    And, I see a RL parallel here - a person has no interest in shit, but one lot builds a rocket factory next door, the other either drone strikes your home or strategically bombs the school where your children are. One goes from indifference to totally committed to a side. Things could have been handled much better
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  3. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    While I agree some of what is written above I would ask that folk remember the Ark Dev Team is not Dylan, nor is he the Dev Team. He is but 1 member of that team, even if he and Livuu are the names we see most. So lets not shoot at the messenger else we only have ourselves to blame if they keep their heads below the parapets.
    Also every minute or hour spent answering dozens of queries, disputes and complaints is time not spent helping fix this mess. What do we want, do we want the team working with MA to fix this mess or do we want them running around trying to do a PR job instead of their day jobs ?
    There is no perfect solution, they are a small company with finite resources, you don't expect the guys with the real skills to be answering the phone and making the tea.
    Please also remember that Ark Devs develop ideas, graphics and content, they do not implement..that is MAs job
  4. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    It's a mess and people are angry. People are also very frustrated.

    TBF I think part of the reason there's so little backlash right now is that players got the word out relatively quickly and so many of the people that would have gotten caught up in it were warned away.

    I don't ever know (of course) how things go between MA and PP but it seems like if I was the PP I would have someone there when the content release of the last five years or so goes online to make sure that things are in order.

    The fact that the planet partner didn't announce the bug that was throwing players to the dogs before the pirates had it all sorted out is a giant failing on their part. The fact that they're literally brushing off the issue is ridiculous.

    So they need to get out here with what went right and what went wrong, then stand up to their users for what they obviously know was going to be an unpopular decision. basically everyone who is or is trying to be involved has at least a basic understanding of the PP/MA relationship, but to be blunt this is obviously not all on the platform.

    I am far more put off by the behavior following this kludge than by the actual mess in the release. With another opportunity to be forward and interactive they decline and this just becomes another bungled entropia mess where the most eager and involved players get screwed without ever so much as a "sorry 'bout that".

    They squeezed this one out well within the promised timeline and had TONS of people eager and anticipating this. Staged rollout is fine, everything looks great and then ...

    Then what, what happened?

    Well however you want to describe what's happened, it's certainly cost them a lot of goodwill and momentum for their early launch. Continued silence and encouraging the confusion can only lead to additional ill will.

    As regards your particular thread Louise obviously I don't know the history here. It sounds like Granny has been warned of bringing in or participating in "space drama" in the forums in the past. If anyone was violating personal limits or prior admin warnings I'm noit saying that's a good thing.

    I AM saying that now, at this time, the arkadian planetary system is the most supportive of piracy on the entire map, and it looks like the oldest and boldest of NVE have made it their home for a bit. This is, apparently at the planet partner's request and the community rep going around trying to hide that from the light doesn't play well on them either.

    I need to know about Morgoth because as far as I'm concerned he has a long bad rep and I would avoid him in space straight up as someone who claims to not be a pirate but hunts people in space. If he's associated with Kronan and Granny would defend his actions then I will reconsider and maybe seek details.

    And I just found out last night (Inside the arkadian built pirate trap) that Varyag is a pirate ship. Thanks for that.

    So anyways I'm not sure if I even have a side in that fight. But turns out I (and others) would derive value from knowing that it's happening as I work out how to involve my investment in the planet with my investment in the moon. And I don't even like referring to things in EU As "investments" but yeah, it's property, and deeds.

    So I feel like I'm literally invested in this situation. And considering that a lot of positive change is just a couple hundred words away, I'm pushing for that to happen.
  5. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Dylan appears to be serving as the mouthpiece and closest to "community manager" or whatever they have. He has ghosted on questions directly posed to him in official/appropriate threads.

    No personal attack is intended. If there is someone else that should be addressing these questions from the community please let us know. I'm not interested in more conflicting "ark dev/adviser says in this chat log/stream i don't have a link to ...." that's not how I want my information nor anyone else I would think.

    I realize you and I were posting at the same time. Most of the people who care have a similar understanding of at least how the PP/MA relationship works. But there are new, unprecedented things here and right now the arkadian team is trying to hide behind that uncertainty. In my opinion sure but again, I'm entitled to that.

    I'm trying to ask for clarification. But the longer that takes, the more it turns into being forced to judge the situation on it's obvious merits (or lack thereof).

    EDIT: It's also not like they aren't aware, again avoiding personal judging because he has to toe the company line, but I have attempted to pose this question directly to him in a relevant official thread while he was obviously live/active (between posts) on the forum.

    So, at this point the company line seems to be "evade the issue". SUPER disappointing, especially if they're trying to spearhead change with this as an intentional arrangement. They've had days, at this point, to address it.

    There was no "here's how it's going to go" and then let people prepare/deal with it. And not standing up for it after the fact either.

    At this point it's clear that MA misunderstood or messed up the planet exit. The rest of it, that appears to be arkadian decision for change. If that's not true perhaps they would like to get one of their reps out to clarify.

    It's not important that it be Dylan.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2018
  6. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    I have to agree with Atrax's statement. If as the A-Team always boasts of great communication etc..after a huge outcry of unanswered questions to the community of 'what to do?' "is this a bug?" and a lot of player speculation and rumor, I am sure the folks who invested in Moon Deeds and were very eager to see opening were very disappointed by the silence that ensued after this opening.

    I know many defenders of this situation are indeed "Moon Deed' investors and are looking and replying with great optimism that these issues will be fixed and I do believe a small statement of either acknowledgment of issues and bugs to players traveling/arriving to Moon should have been made well aware ahead of time.

    I still question many issues and will await travel there as I would love to explore the new moon.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
  7. krazykat

    krazykat Active Member

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    Speaking for myself, I'm going to avoid Arkadia and the moon until all this has been sorted out. I don't care to have my quad blown up and its SI decreased for no good reason other than to give the so - called pirates some target practice.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    You and a lot of others. It's TBH the prudent choice.

    The people that sit back with no intention of participating and pass lofty judgement miss some of these subtleties. It's not about "not taking loot" or "not feeding the pirates" because it's not that simple.

    These guys feel like they're entitled to a "loot check" on every vehicle that passes by. Be as smart as you like, don't take loot, jump through hoops, waste your gear and your pills or do what you want to try and frustrate them lol. I'm obviously willing to take MAs PVP space and deal with it after all these years.

    This appears to be a planet partner that has decided to spawn me onto a known target post in a shooting range where there are already several guns locked and loaded.

    100% you're taking a loss for their laughs. Being able to "mitigate your losses" isn't exactly as comforting as some people seem to think it should be in a case like this.

    So yeah, even though I choose to be out here messing around in my UL sleip - if you're not willing to literally throw away your PED avoiding the whole arkadia planetary system is 100% the thing to do right now. At least next week travel to/from the planet should be as safe as it was before.

    Answers about the moon and the rest of it would be very nice.
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  9. Hiro_Protagonist

    Hiro_Protagonist Member

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    Known Bugs / Issues (Please post in this thread if you find anything else)

    • When leaving Planet Arkadia, you are spawned into PVP - This was not intended - This will be rectified in the next patch (Please travel safely when going from Planet Arkadia and Arkadia Moon till we announce the fix.
  10. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    Do you think that anyone here hasn't seen this?

    When Leaving Planet Arkadia there is obviously a bug and we all await the fix.

    What about when you are leaving the Planet Arkadia Moon? This is their professional/official statement.

    If that's simply a matter of sloppy grammar why not take the opportunity to clarify when I posted the question 15 minutes later under the post you're quoting. It's not a matter of sloppy grammar is why. It's their official, three days to plan it statement, and it's pointedly vague on this matter.

    How about the person who says they got it from an "ark dev" in chat that this was intentional and their response will eventually depend on the perceived level of backlash. Why will they not take up a moment to address this? Why would they say that in game but refuse to confirm or deny it to the larger community?

    You've added zero comment or clarification to your copy/paste of the announcement regarding the bug on the planet. Did you have an thought, an opinion, or anything to add to the discussion?
  11. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    The moon has just been released and like all releases when Mind Ark is involved two steps forward one step back (introduce something create new bugs)

    So I can guarantee MA has not thought through all the knock on effects of the game logic that they have implemented.....

    No doubt in my mind that there will be no fee to land and no decay to leave. but this is the first time that there is no "Space Station" linked internally to asteroid/moon so its being treated like a planet...

    I think the idea or making the Moon not have a safe zone is a good idea for two reasons...

    there is no safe way for pirates to camp the moon are subjected to pirate hunters. (more PED spent in space is good for economy)
    there is more risk involved making resources found on the surface more valuable. (more MU on items is good for economy)

    EDIT: (After the a disagree tag) I feel no SS should have a safe zone... but I do feel you should have at least 2 minutes safety or until a shot is fired or you move more than 2 meters from your spawn point.

    Disclosure: I am a Pirate and I want your loot.

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    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
  12. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    The moment you enter space from Planet arkadia or The Moon, you are greeted by a group of 4-5 quadwing incomming fire and killed before even completelly loaded into space.( one is a Equus). This "mistake" has cause thieves to profit unjustly immensly in the past few days. I lost thousands entering space from Arkadia to work on my Starfinders SI, in all kinds of ores.

    This is a mistake or a glitch and a exploitable glitch. Making this a bannable offence and I strongly feel it should be enforced immediatelly by the game provider/host.
  13. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    How are we to determine the people coming from Planet Arkadia and from the Arkadia Moon? at no point have they said it is an Exploit and you have all been warned in the Patch notes and in those notes it does not say its not intended for the moon.... at what point is it an exploit when they knowingly let the release happen this way. an Exploit is something that is not known or not common Knowledge, this was known and they still released it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  14. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Just like PCF, you play your hand by trying to get personal and pulling my post out of context to make me look stupid.

    Try entering space from arkadia and also try doing the exact same leaving the Moon. i can enter the Moon doing a fast run and taking a lot of damage.

    Dont make me look stupid, as if I dont know space is lootable PVP. Yet normally leaving a planet or a moon, should NOT put you immediatelly into lootable PVP space. This was not expected by me at first becaue I, like may others, do not immediatelly read release notes after a implimentation. I was already planning and set to go into space before the release, to work on my ships SI.

    Lastly there is NOTHING you say or can SAY to JUSTIFY theft and robbery!!!!! IT is wrong and always will be wrong no matter what you and anyone else says. Morally and ethically unjustifiable outright!!!!

    You want to know what realy lame? Group of cowardlly thieves camping the Planet and Moon 24/7 to kill gamers who load into space from atmospheres. This also scares a lot of players away and prevents many others from visiting the new Moon. Is this what the game-host intented? Many say Mindark dont care anymore. Sure looks like it. It bothers me that this game community has so many lame ass bottomfeeders who have never realy deposited real money into this RCE yet do nothin other than be spitefull and ruin the game for others and especially for gamers who actually bennifit this economy with real money and real serious deposits.
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    Last edited: Aug 25, 2018
  15. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Dude at no point was I trying to make you look stupid... I have no need... but like you say real money is involved... as such wouldn't it be wise to see if any rules have changed or if anything you do may be impacted upon before commencing?

    At work we have something called a JSA (Job Safety Analysis) before you commence work you have to go through a check list of potential hazards Identify those hazards come up with solutions to those hazards (remove or put in some kind of barrier) then move on to the task... don't be fool to think this shouldn't apply here your money is involved perhaps you should come up with a check list before you commence play.
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  16. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    There is no reasoning with unreasonableness. WTF brought you to bring JSA into this???? My innitial assumption that entering space from Arkadia is valid and sound, as it was always safe. Dont get rediculous on me and overcomplicate things. What is wrong with you? Have you no logic?
  17. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Please, for your own good. I am totally not on the pirates' side but I told you already in another thread that your assumption was wrong to begin with. It is -not- safe and never was, regardless of the current problems. Unfortunately it is your logic which is flawed and with the value of assets such as you have, this is a dangerous attitude to keep. Suggest to backtrack where these wrong assumptions come from and if there is a source which keeps floating them, to work for them to stop and get the truth out instead.
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  18. PostHistory

    PostHistory Member

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    Hazards are Hazards… Space is a known hazard full stop. I strongly recommend you show interest in the news that surrounds your investments like all good investors do and do your research each and every day. do not expect one day to be the same as the next. this place is dynamic and those who adapt and over come these dynamics "win". JSA.... would be a good strategy for you... call it what you want.. call it a pre-flight before you log in.... but read things... check off your list … then log in... maybe then you make us broke... doubt it … hope you do not follow my advice given in good faith.
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  19. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    A warning to all players to not make assumptions re 'safe space' on entry from a planet. While this has in the past been the norm at all planets , it has never been a guarantee of safety, I have on several occasions been spawned in pvp outside the safe zone at Caly and RT in particular, on some occasions while carrying significant amounts, when headed for my ship. Had a few heart stopping moments as I gunned the engines and headed for my pre-set marker on the map.

    Good fortune has so far been in my favour, but tbh I am not convinced that if I got shot down whether MA would treat it as a bug and give compensation. They are good at dodging responsibility for their errors, and great at taking advantage of poor programming to loot us. How many of you have had a 'this loot belongs to someone else' message from an apparently undamaged mob. Even if the original shooter came back they cannot tell one damaged mob from another, so who gets the loot....MA ofc

    My Theory :
    The Arkadia moon/arkadia issue with all exits to a single spawn point looks like poor implementation of an attempt to make spawning in space more interesting, after all we all complain that pirates camp the SS at planets to pick off the unwary. Seems to me that if entry to the moon is all around the globe then exit may well have been expected that way also.. yet MA have been either too lazy to implement properly or there was a failure to communicate.
    My guess is this should have affected Ark moon only as it is accessible from all directions unlike all other planets that have a straight line sphere entry (who the hell thought a globe would live in a box). That Arkadia planet for now at least should have remained uninvolved.
    So my idea is this... 360degree entry and 360 degree exit, possibly with that area surrounding the moon as a timed buffer to allow people time to draw in and orient before they could be shot at. Patrolling a whole moon as opposed to a single spawn point or an SS would be one hell of a challenge for pirates, and give a pretty reasonable chance of escape. That said some other option for (paid for) alternative ie tp to planet or to the SS, as well as summon from MS or privateer would also be necessary if they want high rollers to play there, as they would shun the place if they had to risk thousands each time they leave.
    Maybe this is close to the intent... maybe it is just my dream... time will tell

    Until they get a 'fix' done and stop the buck passing MA to PP to MA and start considering the players who presumably they would like to see here again in future, they should simply have acknowledged the error on day one and done a roll back. or at the very least changed the spawn point coordinates back to those of the safe zone at Ark SS for the time being.

    Meanwhile DON'T carry lootables in Arkadian space at all. Ideally nowhere else in pvp either, we can starve the pirates just as easily as we can feed them
    • Agree Agree x 5
  20. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Totally agree, I think the community did a great job spreading the word, but am truly saddened by the huge number of people that are still trying to enter space from both Ark and Ark Moon with lootables, their silliness or lack of reading anything to do with the game is not only helping the pirates, it is helping destroy the reputation of this game. Way to go folks

    There has been many attempts to bring space drama to the forums, and the Ark team decided long ago that Ark forum is not really the place to air them., they have therefore on many occasions closed and even deleted inappropriate drama threads and warned all concerned on the thread that it will not be tolerated, this is what I was referring to.
    The introduction of Ark Moon has to say the least muddied the waters, but I think we should all try and stick to the spirit of their earlier requests, and keep any personal dramas out of it in future and try to stick to talking about space itself and the issues the game has for us all

    So at risk of immediately ignoring what I said above, I do feel I need to answer this as if I don't reply that could be misconstrued.
    Morgoth is a pirate hunter..pure and simple. So yes he hunts pirates, plus one or 2 people he has a personal beef with. One of the few he has on personal KOS is strangely enough Ravanola, not because she is a member of Varyag crew, not even because they regularly slander him and Kronan, but because she and a friend tried to kill him in space, they lost the battle they started and have tried to say this makes him a pirate, go figure ! If they had just lost and accepted it, it would probably have ended there.
    Morgoth is a well respected member of my crew and has helped many in this game escape pirate predation by, at his own expense, engaging the pirate while the intended victim gets away. He has also on many occasions returned pirate loot to original owner, where he has been able to identify whose it is, usually in return for giving them a short lecture on space safety..(Not always appreciated lol) He gets a bad rep because pirates and others that have reason to dislike him try to declare him pirates in order to destroy his rep. If any that are not pirates and not Varyag crew and have not started the fight have been killed by him I am damned sure I would have been the first to hear of it.
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