Hello, not sure where to post this. I had a support case to MA asking for no value tokens that can be looted and used for rewards to players. Something like m-tokens, or shield crates (unicates special instance loot on RT). They told me to contact ark devs and closed it (another tells me to sends support so you get it, go figure), so here we are. But that is it mostly: Looking to buy or request some kind of no value token or mob part specific to the land area for rewards. Justification: Low mobs like Mutated Oro at level 4 and Mutated Bokol at level 7 have a serious global threshold problem. This keeps newer, younger players out of the reward game, either for events that reward per global or most loot. I would like to offer nice UL items and other gear as well as PED options for the players for their time there, but the system is lacking support for a more fair event for all. I am looking to change this imbalance so we owners can offer compelling rewards to the lower players without relying on high global thresholds or trackers that are not reliable 100% of the time. I am also interested in talking with anyone about upgrade options for the land and shop. Same thing happened when I owned a shop and had PEDs for you guys to redesign it...the support cases never got to you. Thanks in advance