
Discussion in 'Creatures' started by May, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. May

    May Active Member

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    The Kadra may be easily hidden in it's environment; but once it spots its intended prey, it will strike hard and fast, making it one of the more dangerous creatures that has been discovered on Arkadia.

    It's speed is such that a colonist on foot has little choice when set upon, but to stand and fight.

    Creature Type:

    Damage Type:
    Stab34 %
    Cut33 %
    Impact33 %
    Statistical data:
    -YoungMatureOldProviderGuardianDominantAlphaOld AlphaProwlerStalker
    Health Level-- - - - - MassiveMassiveMassive-
    Damage Potential-- - - - - LargeLargeLarge-
    Agility-- - - - - 464748-
    Intelligence-- - - - - 181818-
    Psyche-- - - - - 131313-
    Stamina-- - - - - 179194212-
    Strength-- - - - - 175180185-
    IFN Challenge:
    Stage 175 kills1.10 ped Aim
    Stage 2400 kills5.85 ped Anatomy
    Stage 31200 kills11.31 ped Courage
    Stage 44800 killsKadra Trophy Head + 100 Agility Tokens + 27.02 ped Athleticsor Light Melee Weapons
    Stage 512.000 kills100 Stamina Tokens + 47.45 ped Bioregenesisor Bravadoor Concentration
    Stage 660.000 killpointsKadra Figurine + 24.03 ped EvadeRepeatable
    Young lvl 1100 hp
    Mature lvl 1180 hp
    Old lvl 1270 hp
    Provider lvl 1380 hp
    Guardian lvl 1500 hp
    Dominant lvl 1640 hp
    Alpha lvl 381790 hp
    Old Alpha lvl 401940 hp
    Prowler lvl 432120 hp
    Stalker lvl 2300 hp
    Mob maturityLocationWaypointDetail
    Kadra Alpha to ProwlerNorth-West of Sanctuary Cove(19380, 30590)Thunder Hills, hunting tax 4%
    Minimum Global level: 50 ped

    - Piron PLP-27 (L)

    - Adaptive Fire Rate Component
    - Animal Adrenal Oil
    - Animal Hide
    - Animal Liver Oil
    - Animal Oil Residue
    - Animal Pancreas Oil
    - Animal Thyroid Oil
    - Arkace Timber
    - Basic Leather Extractor
    - Basic Wood Extractor
    - Blazar Fragment
    - BLP Pack
    - Fine Hide
    - Fine Wool
    - High Definition GUI Component
    - Inferior Cloth Extractor
    - Infrasound Emitter Component
    - Kadra Claw
    - Kadra Eye
    - Kadra Hide
    - Nova Fragment
    - Output Amplifier Component
    - Paint Can (Burnt Umber)
    - Paint Can (Cornsilk)
    - Paint Can (Dark Blue)
    - Paint Can (Turqoise)
    - Rationalizer Component
    - Shrapnel
    - Socket III Component
    - Socket IV Component
    - Socket V Component
    - Soft Hide
    - Super Charger Component
    - Thin Wool
    - Weapon Cells
    - Wool

    (Only Loot listed that has dropped from VU 15.0 on.)

    Entropedia.info link.
    EP Wiki link.
    Last edited: May 15, 2015
  2. May

    May Active Member

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    Additional tips & info on Kadra.

    - Link to the original Kadra thread.

    - Max damage on avatar without armor (excl. crits): Young 48 hp to Stalker 102 hp.

    - Kadra Massacre RELOADED @ Sanctuary Cove.
    Continuously running monthly event: get paid peds for each Kadra global.
    Complete your IFN Challenge Bounty RELOADED for Kadra to qualify for the VIP rate.

    For all the data: if there is something that should/could be changed, or added, please post or PM. [​IMG]
    (Info send through PMs will be added anonymously by default, unless the sender mentions otherwise.)
    Last edited: May 10, 2015
  3. Saoirse

    Saoirse Member

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    When was last time you seen a Kadra? They look nothing like whats in your video......
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. Sniqs

    Sniqs Active Member

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    Indeed, the video of Kadra is from 2012 and they were remodelled after that.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
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  5. May

    May Active Member

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    Ah, I thought I just remembered it wrong.
    I was a bit confused about what their look was, since I've only hunted them once for a short teamhunt.
    But seeing the screenshots of the mob scan, I figured it was just shoddy memory. :oops:

    I'm adding the mobs, and then going through them in-game to fill in the gaps and double check, from the smaller ones up. So I'm not at Kadra level yet.

    Thanks for the correction: video has been removed.
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  6. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    OK a few real life figures (as much as PE can ever be real life!!) for you....

    Total Kadra Young/Mature kills over two hunts ~150
    Total armour decay (incl platings) - Liakon with T1 & T2 defensive...... 170.1 PED
    Total weapon decay (incl ) ..... ~ 781.1 PED
    Total cost of hunt 951.2
    (Guns used GBP-35 plus Beast + T1, T2 damage enhancers and GLP-36 plus E-Amp11 + T1 damage enhancer)
    Total loot (which incl 3 globals) inclusive of shrapnel converted to ammo - 641.97 excluding current paltry markups

    Net cost ~310 Ped

    Net cost per kill ~ 2 ped*

    So the current 4800 Kadra mission I'm on will cost me 9600 PED in total and as I'm ~ 1000 in, there's still 7600 PED to go!!

    That's a lot of real life money!!

    You may well get different results of course since these are personal to me, but I have to really question the value of continuing this mission.

    That''s the drawback of having a tool that calculates all this for you, sometimes ignorance is bliss

    *I admit to using these armour and guns since I have a number of parts that are at *.8 tiers so want to click them over - I have no doubt other more eco-friendly combos are likely to be available, but I don't have them and can't be arsed to obtain them
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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  8. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    Your defensive costs are roughly ten times what most people find acceptable. Your weapon eco is somewhere around 0.5-1.0 dpp lower than most would find acceptable.

    Yes, it gets expensive when you are reckless and don't care about reading up. ;)
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  9. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    10 times you say!

    So I need to find a UL armour that has a Durability level of 30000?

    As for DPP, it is 2.541 for the GBP-35 and 2.429 for the GLP-36 vs 2.892 for a 'best eco in my armoury' PLP-27 (L) - these are actual measured numbers over a combined 15000+ shots fired and are personal to me, so please don't come back with Entropedia stats

    Now, my '35 (with amp) takes 29 shots on average to kill a Kadra at a cost of 4.9 ped per kill. The '27 (with amp), however, is approximately 12% more 'efficient' so let's say this would reduce the cost down to around 4.3 ped per kill meaning that by using my most eco gun I could have reduced the two sessions down to 1.4 net cost per kill. And by using (L) armour, reduced the cost possibly by another similar amount per kill.

    So, by going eco, I could likely reduce the cost from 9600PED to 3840PED - that is still hardly cheap, but I do take your point.

    Are my actions reckless? No, don't believe so. Considered? Yes, remember, I wanted to tier up 4 UL items as it happens. I choose to use UL gear as an 'investment'.

    Don't care about reading up? Yes, true enough, I'm really not into PE at that level anymore. If this game took more of my time then yes, I would minimise the cost as much as possible by running purely on (L) everything and replacing when the item died (taking with it it's tiers of course) but I've never been one for penny-pinching or squeezing the last pec out - that's boring

    ....probably why I drive a 510HP V8, not a Prius!
  10. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    170 ped armor decay on 951 Ped run is roughly 17.88% and that is excluding healing costs. A general rule seems to be try to keep it at 1-3%. You must be tanking the mobs for quite a while?

    Right now I'm doing mutated beladoths and otorugi with a defensive cost at roughly 2%. I can't see how Kadra would need nine times that when they have much less HP.

    Your problem is most likely your weapons. They are uneco as hell, 2.5 versus 2.9 is a difference of 14%. On top of that, they seem way too weak for the mob.

    If the sole purpose was to tier up your armor I don't see why you came here moaning about returns and the cost to finish the mission (unless I misread and the spirit of the post was "I need to get my shit together").

  11. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    Yes, spot on! As many hits as possible in as short a time as possible!! Deliberately.

    (none of this tag a mob, walk backwards namby-pamby stuff ;) )

    But as UL weapons they're not that bad considering my stats. And yes, they're 'low grade' (I tend to only hunt low-grade mobs nowadays) - but more powerful doesn't necessarily mean cheaper.

    Other than putting some actual figures out there, my point, not that I need to make one, should be taken as if I am to continue doing the mission for the mission's sake it cannot be done the way I'm doing it now which is purely and simply as a 'tiering vehicle' which is how I use them now and have in the past, quite successfully.

    Oh, and if I want to come on here 'moaning', I will do.
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  12. AdeW

    AdeW Active Member

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    Right, in fairness, I've gone back to Kadras and tried (for me) 'eco-style', so a SIB gun [Isis Project Zero-Four (L)] both bog standard ('plain') and with a T1 dmg enh and Adj Cause ('tweaked'), but still UL armour (Viceroy this time, yes, another piece with a 1.8 tier waiting to happen!) but picking out single mobs rather than diving head first into the middle of a bunch of 10 or more.

    I only did a small run, 28 kills in total, 14 on the 'plain' and 14 'tweaked' gun, but got 2 globals so I'm not taking the loot return for this run as representative (mainly since this run did give me a profit of over 90ped!)

    The total cost for this 'eco-style' 28 kill run incl of gun/armour costs, was 128ped, (61 ped for 'plain', 60 ped for 'tweaked', 7 ped on armour) or just about 4.57ped per kill. Looking at the figures above where I killed 150 Kadra, then on today's figures as spent, if I had done yesterdays hunt 'eco-style' then I could have expected the total cost to be 150*4.57 = 685.71ped.

    Now this puts a hugely different slant on Kadras, I must admit since using yesterday's loot figures, the total cost would have been 685.71 - 641.97 = 43.74ped, or 0.3ped per kill. Total cost to kill 4800 now being 1400ped

    So.... 2ped per kill to tier up UL items, 0.3ped per kill for the mission - have to admit, that's quite a difference.

    Just for interest, the dpp's for this hunt were as follows....

    Plain - 2.831 (Entropedia gives 2.889) with 90.93% efficiency @ 0.159 ped/shot incl
    Tweaked - 2.858 (Entropedia gives 2.882) with 91.84% efficiency @ 0.24 ped/shot incl

    (accepting that 28 isn't really a big enough sample for proper accuracy)
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