Im old but new :P.

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Ridan, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    I have been away from this game for a few years comming back I realise things have changed alot and after reading alot of forums and intel bout how things are now I found my way to arkadia.
    And honestly this is the ONLY place that I could consider restarting this game at so far, this seems to be the only place were the community is not full of hate towards the game and the devs are acctualy LISTENING and ANSWERING this in itself is a revolution in the gaming industri :).

    I have a few questions thou that is naggign me abit and I havent been able to find the answers to how some things work.

    1. Is MA still the loot pool? hence is al the planets loots combined or is arkadia standing on its own?

    2. How much can the arkadia team change? for example can the change the stuff that MA did that chrashed alot of the player eco. Stuff like decay on clothing killing tailoring for example? Can decay on clothes be removed by the arkadian devs?

    3. Is life in here as bad as it was 4 years ago loot wise? Hunting with the right weps at the right mob will sometimes make U loose 75% of your hunting

    Basicly I stopped playing this game as it more and more became a lottery with a terrible ingame trading.
    it was no longer possible to play without investing 5k ped a month minimum sorta say. I dont mind putting thoose peds in but wanna know that I can have a lill bit better return then 75% looses.

    I dont really know how this al works atm so hence al the questions im currently in the works of trying to restore Rosco to this world as looking out of this avatars eyes on the world just looks wrong :)
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  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi and welcome back to the game ..and welcome here on Ark Forum.....

    for your questions....yes MA controls the Loot Pool and all the game mechanics ...PP (Planet Partner) cant do much against this decay on clothes....that all belongs to MA ....but here on Ark David and the A-Team try to make things better with their own changes ....they listen to our ideas and wishes...and sometimes they are able to make it true (thats a reason why a lot people choosed Ark as their new home) ...but some things are sadly not possible.........

    and yes we have a nice little community here ...most people are very helpful and patient with newcomers ...we try to avoid whinning and flaming and blaming against eachother..we try to help eachother......wont work everytime but mostly.....
    and yes ...Loot isnt really better then in the past ...but thats always ..or mostly ..up to you what you do ..what you hunt ..and with what gear.......i know people who make profit and i know people who loose.....
    however.....i wish you a good time on Ark ...feel free to look out for me for a little talk :)
    Have fun and GL .....
  3. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Bah here I was hoping someone could explain to MA or that they themself would realise this is bad for eco :). Owell cant have it al :p.

    Ty for the answers thou. Do we have any old societys up here? talking 2007 soces etc.
    Im old Delta Force so kinda fun to c if any more ppl I might now is still around :).

    Not sure I will get my account back yet but support seems to be working on it.
    its just wrong to not be on my "main" :p
  4. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    afaik Delta Force is still around...not sure about old members...alot "old soc´s" are still alive and even old can search for in the new player register....just open your FL...upper right corner you find the player register and you can see also if the person you are searching for is online cant contact them directly but you can send a friend request ;)...and ofc you still can check Soc Terminal ...
  5. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Did a lill quick search in soc term fun to c so many old names haha will be intresting to c if someone remember me if/when I get my old char back.

    Seems weps have changed quite abit is there a decently quick way to skill up now?
    I was going with a mL35 ME for abit and adj fap but eco for thoose atm should prolly not be topp of the line as im guessing MA will take the chance to kill my stats completely as ive been away for awhile :p. and hunting without the skills would prolly completely kill eco right?

    Hmm and armor was going with plated ghost / plated vigi depending on the mob but this is prolly not valid? :)

    im reading opalo and TT guns still has value when skillign up but they are so damn sloooooow :p. And what bout handguns anyone of thoose currently holding good eco?
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ridan if you are going to spend some time on ARkadia, check out the local handguns. Cap-nnn are laser pistol, Asi-nn are blp. They are reasonably eco from a dpp perspective and TT is relatively low so doesnt tie up too many peds at once. Not sure what your level is so I cant point you at a specific weapon but they are in entropedia.

    Also for really low level hunting, the local TT weapons are pretty awesome from an eco perspective.

  7. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Thx for the tip im gonna grab thoose a look. Hmm im not sure either were I am :D. Either I get my old account back with the possibility of using higher end guns without to much loss or im down to TT again and haha will be needing a mentor o GoD I hope I dont need to go back to unamped opalo :D. Thx for the pointers thou.
  8. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    If you are away for 4 years your old Ava will be deleted and i see no chance to get it back tbh.....and to get a mentor st the badest´ll get a adjusted Pixie for finishing the discipleship and a fired truck :)
  9. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    I thought that would be the case to but alas it wasnt :D. I did a quick search for my char on the soc termnial and alas there he was :). After contacting support and 40 mins later :eek: getting a reply telling me to give them this and that and they would put me back online Im so hoping they do :D. I do however not expect my stuff back but if that would happen I would damn near pass out and some like that would sure as hell make me a sucker in here again faster then the speed of light :D.

    Been 2 days since last support answer now thou so hope is slowly fading off and I will prolly end up with a new char completely if they dont come trhough. However is I can still find him in the terminals I assume that he is still alive w8ng for me :)

    Hehe getting a mentor for me would prolly be more in the lines of supporting the elder players in this game haha a way to say thx maybe and get a chance to get to know some new ppl so it would be al good :) More like I fear loosing my skills and having to startup from scratch :).
  10. Nobleone

    Nobleone Member

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    Profile shows 'languages' English... 'alot', 'abit'... This is new English to me...
  11. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    ....since which time we care about typing or typos ? ....
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Pretty sure Nobleone isn't a word either...
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Ridan, welcome back to the game, hopefully you can get your old ava back. One point that people have not mentioned yet. If you're having trouble with poor returns, make sure you're using economical gear. Mindark has begun publishing a series of "Developer Notes" and in one of them they point out that using the most economical setup will give you the highest rate of return. Previously, there were a number of theories about loot returns (I don't know what it was like back when you were playing), one of which was that using certain uneco setups would give you better returns. Using eco SIB gear maxed, with the right amps should give you at least 90% TT return long term... theoretically.
  14. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Hmm the amount of theories for loot has always amased med but this reasoning seems to hold most logic. Have been trhough al the released dev notes I think so have a close check on thoose.
    Still asking the community has always been a strong way for alot of opinions :).

    Guns etc I think ive got abit sorted out a lill now atleast as far as I need it to be for now.
    What armors are beeing most used now?

    Before it was some in the line of
    Pixie / Goblin
    Ghost / Shogun / Vigi
    Angel /
    Shadow / Evo
    Is it basicly the same now?
    Stopped playing when they started to push L armor
  15. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Normally i don't reply to posts about loot, because there are always people saying that loot is terrible and all. But seeing that you are an advisor, i would like to make an attempt to remove the doubt implied with the word 'theoretically'. There are dozens of logs that show 90%+ tt returns off people playing eneco. There are no logs of people with lower then 80% over a few months of playing.

    I myself having played pretty eco, have over 96% tt return over the many years i've played.

    Asking is always the best idea. Basically the armors you mention are still valid. Instead of pizie/goblin i would use arkadia's tt armor. It's more eco and looks a lot better as well. In the end Limited armors are more eco to use then unlimited armors, as long as the markup on the armors is low enough, availabilty is usually a problem, but you could check the 'southern fortress engineering' shop to see what's in there.
  16. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm in Entropia Pioneers we're pretty old :)

    Glad to see an old player back. And yea Arkadia is a great place to be. Feels like the old days to me too. I like the community and the dev's I have little desire to planet hop at all. And for someone like me that doesn't get to play much lately it fits nicely too.
  17. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Rex acctualy do ring a bell wonder if its the same Rex green rex avi on EF long agO? :).

    Yeah kinda seems arkadia is alot of the best from before looking at the community, ive been wandering calypso abit w8ing for support to answer my question and damn it seems like zychion did before a big bad ghost town. Even twins looks abit deserted.

    Hmm anyone knows how long it usualy takes support to answer? Been w8ing for 3 days now since their initial answer and nothing. Feels abit weird they would slow someone thats waiting to play and pay
  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Support can be a bit slow during the weekend.

    And also during the rest of the week.
  19. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Lol should also say that it is summer time and that MA goes on vacation soon....
  20. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    ya that is what is kinda amusing me. My first PM to support took 40 minutes for them to answer from there its been 3 days w8ing for a followup on their part. My current guess is that my inital post went to Mexico from a new account hence got bumped up. When they figured the issue out the realised it had to be sent to swe and since there is no chance of seeing them work holidays here during the summer it wont be answerd untill today or atleast thats what im hoping :).

    This however is just speculating in a time were I really wanna be in the game having fun :)