IFN Public report - The Smuggler conflict

Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by IFN Press Officer, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. IFN Press Officer

    IFN Press Officer IFN Public Relations Unit PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    9 JULY 3011


    The recent attacks in the Underground have been a challenge for the whole civilian population on Arkadia.
    The attacks have come in the form of open attacks in order to occupy and hold land areas, but also in the form of guerrilla warfare.

    Director Bishop's administration is very pleased with the efforts and the dedication that they could see among the Arkadian colonists who voluntarily stood up against the terror from 'The Smugglers'. The will of the volunteers to solve their assigned task could not be mistaken or pass by unnoticed.

    The IFN has in collaboration with the ACA have gathered a lot of intel about the movement of 'The Smugglers' during the conflict and has drawn some conclusions from that information. Some of it has been deemed to be vital for colonists to be aware of this knowledge and therefore has been de-classified.

    The IFN is well aware of that this information can come in the hands of 'The Smugglers'. To them, we send a clear message... 'we know more than you think. We urge you to stop your criminal activities and surrender yourself to the ACA unconditionally. You will all get a fair trial according to civil rights under Imperial law.'

    The IFN has come to the following conclusions:

    1. The smugglers seem to have a revival network of their own. This conclusion is based on the fact that 'The Smugglers' showed up in such numbers in attack after attack and that the assumed leader of the Smugglers (under the name 'Ned Kelly') said openly to some colonists 'Do you think that you are the only ones who have a revival Network?' during a conflict in Celeste Harbour.
    2. The Oratan seem to have been disturbed by all this activity and noise from the conflict and are reported to be getting restless in the Underground. Dreadful Oratan 'Axe-miners' have been seen close to the Abyss.
    3. The ancient Sal'diresh vault in the cave designated 'Cathedral Pass' was reported to have been heavily defended by 'The Smugglers' during the conflict. Why and if the 'The Smugglers' have been in the vault is still unknown since we haven't been able to investigate the site.
    4. Even though the volunteer colonists were able to push back 'The Smugglers' attempt to take over the Underground it is IFN:s firm opinion that 'The Smugglers' movement has succeeded in their plans to infiltrate the Underground and established a permanent presence there.
    5. We plea to all colonists to report in any sightings and finds of either Smuggler activity, sightings of missing Badgers, or any suspicious activity to either the ACA or closest IFN representative.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Interesting... smugglers are still guarding vault 10...
  3. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I think the Smuggler Boss Ned Kelly should meet us at the Defiant FireBae fields.

    I will assemble the IFN Collonists to Defeat you again and send you to the revival terminal ;)

    Please Come up with a Date and Time we can meet for a rematch ;) ;) so that we can book the area as an event and have our rematch.
  4. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    whats a missing badger.. but ye ive seen few smuggler patrols around the underground today

    edit: aah nvm i forgot those flying submarines had badger in their name
  5. May

    May Active Member

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    Vault 10... sooo; the Smugglers might have that Treasure Map?

    Small question, Sir: how does one report to the ACA?
    Perhaps through the ACA Representative lady next to the IFN terminal?
    Though she's not really the listening type... View attachment 9787
  6. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    Intresting i keep an eye up and se what i can report.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    After great cost and effort, members of the community have cleared the Vault 10 area of smugglers. The door is still locked.

    View attachment 9789
  8. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I've been wondering how the oratan fit into the picture. At one point during the attack, a number of colonists went up against an army of smugglers. One in which there were a number of seemingly unconcerned oratan miners. I couldn't help but to think that this was either an unintended part of the event, or the oratan are in league with smugglers!
  9. aValon_52

    aValon_52 New User

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    who cares how the oratan fit in any picture. it's EVENT ACTIVITY in ARK UNDERGROUND.

    that's awesome.

    keep it up ark dev team!
  10. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    A-Team takes good care in building and maintaning a good and believable (understandable) storyline. Thereby, A-Team, part of the Arkadians and future possible Colonists do care how the Oratans fit in the picture.
    You can download the whole Ark-Story now in PDF. Recommend if you haven't readed some yet.

    A-team storytelling is worlds apart from the classic MindArk/ Calypso 'storyline' of the like of "Wow! Would you look at that! Thousands of Eomons emerging from caves for the annual migration. We haven't found the caves large enough from them to live in, but hey, who cares, right? Oh, by the way, their shit is highly nutricious and makes Exarosaurs grow to be Longtooths. You should try some pile of Eocrap too. Bring your guns and shoot 'm all up to extinction!"

    Good job indeed A-Team! Even though I couldn't attend, I'm confidend that it was a great event.
  11. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Not only the best event but also the Way the A-Team interact with players ;)

    My best ever moment in game was in the following post and that's beaten wining a cnd apartment & a 999 ped hof.


    Really good to have sid elines of things happening as well and the underround mobs were insance with everyone on #arkadia shouting out and calling formore support for the drones and things.

    This is still ongoing as well and so cant wait to see where it ends up going ;) ;)