I dont care!!!!

Discussion in 'Aakas Island' started by Jandre Kroeze, Mar 8, 2020.

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  1. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    Just FYI. R4 hit a huge HOF on a Magurg male old alpha today. TOLD YOU SO!!!! And they can hof even bigger than that.

    GRATS TO R4 ♥
  2. Bily

    Bily Member

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    A bit rich from someone who writes stuff like this:
    Tax set to max. PVP on, Nav off. public events off. Dont bother me to change anything. I wont listen. If you want to do mobs, go do Aakas instances. Go mine elswhere, Arkadia is big enough for that. Pray I sell fast for the price I paid if you like the mobs and Island. I dont give a damn anymore.


    Crank up those pills loony toon.
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  3. Louise Ranavolana Brooks

    Louise Ranavolana Brooks Active Member

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    Jandre, I think it comes down to publicity, how well you can sell your Land Area. I have no idea of actual numbers but I think a lot of people who have purchased a land area come to grief.

    I do not know costs involved, and I think when it comes to running an event, that there are those who know enough about the mechanics of the game to be able to take advantage of the people who run them.
    I think a bankroll is important, but not enough - you need to get people involved somehow.

    I don't think you can rely on the owners of other land areas to help, they would be direct competitors.

    And I think that EU should provide a lot more backup & assistance to people who after all are raising income for EU. (they may be doing this already, I just don't know.

    Just as an aside, Bily who are you really? You are giving off a strong vibe of an alt - hiding behind a fake name to dish out nastyness.

    You appear well spoken in English - but it comes across as a second language to you. Bily? means little but Billy is what you intended I think.
    your statement that you "would rather be a retard than suck willies for ped" it sort of implies you have tried both & given the choice you would prefer retardation. Very accurate I am sure but maybe you did not intend that :) ?

    I actually don' t mind stirring & argy-bargy in the forums as long as the intention is positive or at least funny.
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  4. Jandre Kroeze

    Jandre Kroeze Member

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    What do you care? You dont Hunt on my Island. You dont give a damn about the tax or my Mobs. So whats left? Malicious intent and neurotic spite? Yip! You dont own LA or depo large, so you resort to going after LA owners on public forums. You expose yourself without actually realizing it. Im okay with that. I bet when somebody hit a nice HOF on my LA, you are terriblly troubled by it. :) At the end of the day, you have to live with your own contrite feelings and issues, I dont. Besides your effords here are inafectual. When I step on a turd, I scrape it off the bottom, with a twig.

    You seem to think you are somebody, who has the right to speak as you do, towards investors. Perhaps buy a Virtual Land Area and invest. In doing so, your words might carry some weight here and be a REAL Entropian. Dont have the money? Get a job and break a sweat. It ups your feeling of self-worth. Try it!

    But out of curiosity. Who are you realy ingame? What assets do you own? What is you skill levels? What gear loadout do you have and use? How long have you played this game? How many times have you actually HOFed? Have you ATHed yet?

    If none of the above, what are you doing here on this forum or in the game, if even you do partake in the Game? We know nothing about you? Never heard of you. Never "shined" or stood out as a Gamer. Yet out of the Blue, you berrate peops on forum, like a true libturd, or relentleslly try to.

    Roger Spacejanitor Wilco
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2020
  5. Dylan | Arkadia

    Dylan | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Everyone.... behave... I am closing this thread because it is so off course from the original post, that it is becoming a name shame, passive aggressive mud slinging over the top (Including the moderated posts - which I can see by the way) narrative.

    I am closing this down because I see no point to having this kind of behavior be seen by others who are browsing. Take this to private messaging rather instead of making a public display.

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