How is life on Arkadia?

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Goosfraba, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Goosfraba

    Goosfraba New Member

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    Hello Arkadians!

    I am a returning player so I got a few years of experience from Entropia. Haven't played for roughly 5 years though so decided to make a fresh start. I am currently on Calypso because I really like the flexibility of the new Codex system and I prefer the stats of adj pixie from mentor reward rather than adj musca. Even though I like the musca design more.

    While I am currently on Calypso I have always loved hunting on Arkadia so I curious to see how life on Arkadia is these days. Do they still have iron missions or have they also transitioned to Codex? Is there any economy flow on the planet or should I expect trips to Calypso to sell loot? Also can anyone point me in the direction of newbie missions on Arkadia that are worth doing?

    My plan is to stay on Cally to build up skills and basically liquidate my UA from boxes so I can get my gear sorted before I move to Arkadia. Since I know from experience that Arkadia has a slower economy I'd love to get my hands on a UL gun before moving so I don't have to worry about finding guns all the time or return to Cally to stock up.

    So I welcome any tips and suggestions related to Arkadia.

    /Lord Uther
  2. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Codex is Calypso only for right now, with other planets adopting it after It's test phase. As a result Arkadia is still purely iron challenge style for now.

    Arkadia now has a line of dailies where you advance through the ranks of the IFN by taking down Oratan, ultimately getting a Dropship (UL account bound flying vehicle) when you get to the higher ranks. The ship is themed to your assigned Firebase and is quite rad looking.

    The moon is the most recent attraction, and while in it's early phases offers some pretty unique exploration, tough combat, and a free daily offering parts of a HazMat suit for other missions or 2 ped of uni ammo.
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  3. Goosfraba

    Goosfraba New Member

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    Thanks for the info. Might be worth it to get to Arkadia sooner rather than later then and knock off a few iron missions before they change the system.