How did you come up with your Avatar name?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by RavenJade, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    Just a bit of fun.... I see so many interesting names in Entropia Universe that I always wonder how people came up with their names?

    Mine took me a bit to come up with. EU was and is the first mmo that I played so I thought about it for awhile. I came up with Raven because my hair is naturally black (when I'm not messing with it) and Jade for tranquility. Plus I thought it had a really nice goth sound to it :)

    But why did "you" name yourself what you did...that's what I wanna know :p
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  2. Lars | Arkadia

    Lars | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    David decided. :)
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  3. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    My original name of OZtwo does have a meaning and it's not because OZ being taken already. I have used this nick for years now all the way back to around the 1990 or so when I was a fanboy of it (and still am). If you are a true computer geek you will know what my nick stands for. Leave it at that for you to figure out if I haven't already told you in game ;)

    My new name of OpaloMan was born a few years back on Arkadia when I was told that sometime in the far far far far far far far future I may get myself a cape. So learning this I submitted a request to get my name changed and MA grated it within only 2 or so hours..fastest support ticket ever. :biggrin2:
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  4. MVG MegaV78G87

    MVG MegaV78G87 Member

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    My avatar name has a bit of history to it :) . I will edit my comment when I have a bit of time and if I remember.
  5. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Same as Mega but I can say I use this self created name since my very first MMO - Ragnarök
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  6. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    It has nothing to do with my god complex I swear!

    In all reality I was watching an episode of Supernatural (yes I'm a fan) and Castiel referred to the ArchAngels as "heaven's most terrifying weapon" I was sold.
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  7. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    My dogs love playing in the mud and we call them swampy monsters.

    My avatar is much smaller then my dogs...

    So I named him lil swampy monster
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  8. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    I embrace scientific skepticism, which means promotion of proper evidence based science and critical thinking, which makes me a skeptic. However, people think I come off as whining when I try to tell them that the sole possible result apart from placebo from accupuncture is infections, or explain to them that chiropractors are fraudulent bastards without proper medical training.

    So there's Whining Skeptic. My avatar needed a third name too though, and I seemed to be on-board of some ship when I created the avatar, so went with the first thing that came to mind.
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  9. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    Good question. When I saw the headline I thought at first it must be from Lovefall :cat:

    This dry little Wiki write-up and the machine translation don't really do it justice, but there isn't a better source and not in English anyway:

    Sandal Tolk asan Feymoaur sac Sandal-Crater is a sideline protagonist in a small string of novels within the world's largest science fiction series, Perry Rhodan. Not sure about the claim, but they've been churning out a novel every week faithfully since 1961. Anyone around with German mother tongue will likely have heard of it.

    And there I was scolded as a kid when I started spending my pocket money on them, which I never understood because everybody else spent on comics and sweets which I thought were considered worse. You couldn't order from the internet because there was no internet. Even the vendor gave me the evil eye, guess because she knew my parents. Weird. However, things like that have always done the opposite of deterring me.

    The adventures with Sandal the Avenger fascinated me, because he was an anachronism as a bowhunter in a world of spaceships and rayguns. And one of a character one could only aspire to.

    Besides, archery is a weapon class I badly miss in Entropia. Ark devs, hint hint...?
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  10. xo TRAP ox

    xo TRAP ox Member

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    Well, mine was quite simple actually, years ago when I first started to play console games I asked my brother what his name is. So, he put his nickname inside xo ox. I did the same and that's how I came up with xo TRAP ox. :smile:
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  11. Maximus Cashicus

    Maximus Cashicus Member

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    I had intended to be a trader, so I used the pseudo-Latin, ala, Wylie Coyote to make Maximus Cashicus Profitus.
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  12. Painwrecker

    Painwrecker Member

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    Painwrecker, cuz I use to (and still do) play Magic the gathering. there was a creature card called "Painwracker Oni" which was quite strong, and "Yettie vonNjaapenstein" cuz a friend told me that I wouldn't.
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  13. Craggan

    Craggan Member

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    Jay VeNgeNcE Spitzel

    VeNgeNcE was an old gamer tag I used back in my early FPS days when a friend of mine said I was playing with a vengeance one night and I immediately changed my tag.

    Jay Spitzel is a completely made up name for me but I'm sure there is someone in the world that this is their RL name . Just sounded good at the time.
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  14. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    I had used many names online, and just before I started on PE, as it was called, I was known as ThE-UnknowN in a big IRC network, so, it just carried over from there.
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  15. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I never put any thought into mine, I expected to play for an hour then delete it lol

    I'd just finished watching escape from new york, so obviously I called myself snake :) 'slither' sounded like a reasonable nickname for a guy called snake. Not sure where the 'hellfire' came from.
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  16. coz1969

    coz1969 Member

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    Warden Coz Coz here....

    I have used "Coz" as my screen name for many, MANY years (my hotmail account with Coz in it is something like 17-18 years old). When I played Sims Online, one of the things I built was a "prison" complete with jail cells, workout yard, guard towers, etc. Of course, my screen name then was Warden Coz. Soooooooo, when Sims Online shut down, I discovered EU, and went with Warden Coz Coz.. mainly because I couldn't think of another name for the third position. :wacky:
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  17. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    there was a thread with the very same content on the old forum started by Altan Leticron, i think.
    maybe someone can dig it up and merge em ;)
  18. WhiningSkeptic

    WhiningSkeptic Active Member

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    You didn't happen to be a fan of the original Diablo game?

    I'm thinking of the butcher everytime I see your name (even though hellfire was the name of the expansion).
  19. MaxHecWalker

    MaxHecWalker Active Member

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    I tried a number of my usual gaming names kept getting some message about similar existing.
    After a moment I decided next 3 things I think of:
    Bill Maxwell (a Robert Culp character), Hex in Discworld & programming, and last youtube video I watched on EU walking for stone/fruit.
    Typed in Max Hec Walker and thought... lol what the hec :)
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  20. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    since everyone is talking about the meaning behind all three of their names... I guess I should tell how I cam up with SummerWind.... First of all, I am very into the paranormal and there is a famous haunting of a home called Summerwind... so that was one factor.

    But in truth, I put all my thought into coming up with RavenJade and I had no idea what my last name should be. It was a hot summer's day and I had the window open and there was a nice breeze coming in. Soooo SummerWind lol.

    Kara... blah... I really rushed that. and really hate it. I've asked Mindark several times if I could change it..but they wont let me even when I pout! yet I see others from time to time allowed to change their name. I say no fair :D
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