Today I finished the Halix mission chain from mission 1 to 6 and I wanted to share my results with the Arkadians. So, here are the numbers; For the full log click >here< I did the mission with the following setup: Main Weapon: Herman CAP-10 Smuggler + Omegaton A103 (no enhancers) Finisher: Herman CAP-TT (L) Armor: Adjusted Musca (no enhancers) FAP: S.I.H.E.A.R.T. tier 4 (eco enhancers in all tiers) I had a defensive cost of 3,36% of my total expenses. The returns are all noted in TT. I know I have gathered at least 100 ped (probably more) in MU alone and over 40 ped worth in fruits found. I am pretty happy with the results, despite an almost 500ped tt loss. Are there any other people that have (extensive) logs of their Halix hunts to we can compare, or do you want to discuss my returns? You know how the forums work.
Nearly 96% tt return is pretty good but I know that the loot is not too bad from them so I'm not surprised by that. I've not bothered to keep any logs from hunting them, but I've used a variety of weapons on them, knives, NI longblade, opalo, plasma pistol... Never used armour, just healed myself from time to time.
Starting over I got a little bit less than level 8 evade and 105 HP now, so the little bit of armor helps me ever so slightly. Not that I am planning to hunt Halix again for a while, maybe next time I can have a look at doing them without armor.
Not yet. I have just started Stage 4 (129 kills) and have expanded my spreadsheet to specifically show expected results of Stage 4 (and later 5) based on cost, loot return (TT & +MU), cost per mob, loot per mob. Once finished I will calculate the actual result for comparison. I'll let you know how it goes.
Gratz on such a good return! What are you planning to hunt now? I got 72,5% from 12k Halixes. It was my Eco-Experiment, using fantastic *kuch* weapons like Mux-2 EnergyGlove (1,432 dmg/PEC), Castorian EnKnuckles-1 (2,558 dmg/PEC) and more. And now that Stage 6 will give me some Ranged-reward when I complete it, I know I won't start doing that as a Mêlée Hunter.
The plan is to take it slow because summer vacation will be over soon and I'll be spending time doing an internship. Going to focus on the daily's (doing the island so I will do 100 Jori per day too) + aakas 1 for the arkoins (maybe 1-2 runs a day) and while I'm doing that, probably some trading, sweating, maybe some feran.
I have results for stages III-V (16596 kills). These kills were almost exclusively young (99.xx%) to maximize the MU gained from tails. I used no healing or armor, and my weapons were from the TT. 13k of the kills were with the cap-TT, and the rest were the TT melee weapons. My net TT% from this setup was 92.2%, for an overall TT return of -145.44 PED. However, I looted 217 tails during this time, and since they were selling for an average of 3.5k when I undertook it, I ended up with a profit of 2 PED just from the sales of the tails alone, let alone the small bits of change I'd get from the hides/muscle oil. So overall I am quite happy with how it went. However, I stopped at stage V as it was clear the MU on tails was plummeting, and without that my loses were going to start piling up quicker than I'd like.