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Greenleaf Mining Company - now hiring!

Discussion in 'Mining' started by Neil, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Greenleaf Mining Company (link) is looking for reliable, hardworking players to mine on Arkadia. PM me here on the forum and add me (Neil Greenleaf Stockton) to friend list in game to apply.

    Why work for Greenleaf Mining Company?
    It's your opportunity to experience mining without risking your own peds, and to share in the profits from the resources you mine.

    How it works:
    I give you probes, a terramaster 1 finder (or other finder appropriate to your skill level), and a rock ripper 1 extractor. You go out, mine, and return the minerals all to me after your run. Your profits are calculated from the markup of the ores you turn in. Profits are paid out to you after 500 ped cycled (or upon quitting) and periodically after that.

    [Edit: Rules and FAQ has been relocated to greenleafmining.com]
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  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Some tips on using LBML to get the most out of your probes:

    Good spacing (carpet bombing):

    View attachment 7197

    Bad spacing (drops overlap, wasting a part of every probe and resulting in low returns):

    View attachment 7198

    Another good kind of spacing, should be statistically as good as carpet bombing (with one important benefit):

    View attachment 7196

    The experienced miner knows that claims are often clustered with claims of the same resource type (ores are near ores, enmats are near enmats), and he can use the wide spacing of the above example to zero in on the clusters and improve his hitrate to better than pure carpet bombing.

    After dropping the above probes, you can fly back and target likely hotspots with well-placed bombs like so:

    View attachment 7195

    Maintaining a good hit rate is as important as mining in areas with good MU ores.
  3. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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    GL Neil nice service

  4. Kaikea

    Kaikea New User

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    This sounds exciting, I will look for you tomorrow morning. I was thinking about putting an offer to mine for people like this already, but would love to have it set up already.
  5. Lardinho

    Lardinho Member

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    Interesting, I dunno if I could as a nub or not, but I might consider doing some minings, especially treasure hunting. I have the LBML thing downloaded, need to use it more experimentally first though. These things bungle me as I grow old.
  6. raynopssgold

    raynopssgold Active Member

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    Nice one, bro! Hope many newbies will be benefit from your project :)
  7. John Tacker

    John Tacker New Member

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    I do! :)
  8. Uri

    Uri New User

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    PM sent

    ... as requested.
  9. raynopssgold

    raynopssgold Active Member

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    Hehe, glad to know it, m8 :)
  10. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    Ha, I just got on Arkadia 1 day before this post to skill mining for tresures and got 80 PED global Ospra Stones after 10 minutes here.
    If you don't stop me from droping for Tresures I can take the offer. I will be here mining for 2-3 months anyway.
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi, thanks for the kind words everyone. I'll be starting to have certain miners go for treasures soon, but we're not doing it yet, since the market for treasures is limited.

    And one of our new miners just got his first hof -- 102 ped Narc. HUGE GRATZ to Terminator T1001 Awesome!
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    And another first HOF! Gratz to Spiry Golden XXX! 78 ped Kaz.
  13. Venture Bros

    Venture Bros Member

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    Thats news to me, makes sense.
  14. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Hi Neil, great idea for increase turnover, but...you can become a victim of scammers
  15. megaman

    megaman Member

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    This is an awesome idea, I love using the program map for mining!
  16. Bandido

    Bandido Member

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    I might just apply to the Co. it's just the download part I might mess up on since the game takes up all the screen on my PC. gonna have to check that out.

    I really do not see a downside to the offer. you get skills and most don't have PEDS to invest in probes. I play everyday and sometimes I runout of probes and go hunt or try to craft boots and ball bearings.
  17. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    That is true, in fact we had our first scammer* who took 30 ped worth of probes and ran. However, it was a pretty silly thing to do, because he could have simply stuck with the program, mined for a few days and walked away with legitimate profits worth ten times as much. One brand new miner who received over 200 ped profits in 2 days expressed the idea well: "I will never sweat again!"

    I have been continually impressed by the professionalism and integrity of our miners, and just wanted to say to them all: well done, you guys are truly awesome!

    * It's possible that the new player who did this had actually dropped the probes and got a horrible return and felt too ashamed to return the loot. If that's the case, I hope they read this! Just come back and return what you got, and continue with the program. One or two bad runs is nothing to worry about, believe me. The first run is almost always a low return, but you will make up for it soon enough.
  18. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Well Neil, In fact, the program is fun. Where a one miner will be at a loss, the other will make a profit. The result will be 95% return, which is easy to cover with MU.
    I will not participate but will say our soceity noobs about your program :)
  19. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This is true, scammers can come and take you once but you can never hire them again. If Neil doesn't hand out load of PEDs worth there really is no reason to scam.

    It is true they may hit that HoF and only give your PED worth back and keep most of the HoF, if not all the HoF or even Global for that matter, but that person will quickly be defamed fast as untrustworthy and definitely would never be hired by the person doing hiring again. And if it was not a lot of PED handed out it is only a minimal loss really. Globals and HoF's others get are more of a gift really for the hiree then a absolute necessity to keep the business going, and quickly lets the employer know who is really trustworthy.

    This method worked well when I ran my hunting business and was only scammed once, and the person really worked hard to make up for what he did so his reputation would not be run into the dirt. In the end he finally payed me back and the air was cleared, but as I said the amount was a small loss for me and way more of a loss for him as I no longer would hire him as an employee until the debt was paid and there were no other services even close to something like this running anywhere in EU so it was a bad idea if they wanted to keep working.

    If your thinking scamming a few PEDs off the top every run and returning lower amounts, a good boss knows how much to expect back, and if you get 2-3 low runs you can start to see unlawful actions happening and just tell the person your sorry but the continuing low returns from them no longer puts them in line for the next job. It is your business and it doesn't have to be equality no matter what, you are allowed to hire and not hire whoever you want for the jobs. And with the advent of this pretty consistent returns in mining this is a great way for Neil to see foul play easier and flag who is cheating him.

    I think it is a great incentive and business Neil, it truely reminds me of my business I ran for awhile for hunters.
  20. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You will have to play the game in windowed mode. In options > graphics, you can change the size (resolution) of the window to be the appropriate size. Some graphics cards give different options here, so each computer will be different. In any case, the LBML map can be resized to fit beside the game window.

    Is there a downside to the job? Yes there is: if you hate mining and hate skilling, it's a bad deal! ;)