Follow-up David Dobson interview Friday the 25th of November!

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by zume, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Hey everybody.

    It's that time again. Oh yes!! David Dobson has agreed to another interview which will be taking place on Friday the 25th of November at 13:00 MA time. Where will the party be, you may ask? It's gonna be at Celeste Quarry, so that everyone has a chance to join in on the fun. Come and join the party!! We will be saying goodbye to the Quarry as we know it, but you will be hearing more about that in the interview!!

    During this interview, we'll be following up on all the things David told us about in the first interview, along with discussing the coming update next week (hence the goodbye to the quarry as we know it).. There will most likely be room for questions also (unless David goes too much in to his lovely talking mode :p ), so if you have any questions (maybe follow-up questions from last time) please throw them in this thread. I cannot promise that ALL questions will be asked and answered on air, but we will do our best. :)

    Don't forget it's gonna happen on so don't forget to tune in for the latest news and spoilers from our very own David Dobson!

    Like last time, the interview will be recorded and shared on site, for those that cant be there..
    Cya all at Celeste Quarry Friday at 13:00 MA time!!
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  2. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I gonna ask the first question when will weapon sound being fixed? This bug has existed since the launch of Arkadia, I hope it can be fixed asap because I really like Arkadia weapons very much but the sounds are very annoying

    Does it possible for us to loot animal parts to form a Arkadia mobs' DNA in near future?
  3. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    When will we get some different mobs, alot of them look so much alike and it feels like your hunting the same thing most times ?
  4. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'll be there zume :)


    I believe some of the mobs look similar because they are bigger versions of the same type of creature, for examples: Carabok's big brother is Halix, Madana's big brother is Kiana (maybe these two are members of the Carabok family), Hadraada's big brothers are Huon's, Teladon's, Kamaldon's, and Yuka's, Zadul's big prother is Tiarak, Oro's big brother is Oweko etc. Instead of just using the Level indicator to indicate different versions of same mob they separated it a bit. So each generation of creature also has their own level ratings. I know I have heard there are new mobs coming but takes time on dev side to ensure the game balance is correct for the mob before introducing it into play and thats a lot of beta and alpha testing time. I am quit confident we have new mobs coming soon :)
  5. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Awesome Max.. Can't wait.. It's gonna be MUCH more fun.. And hopefully i'll be much more relaxed this time.. LOL
  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Check the Planet Arkadia website, pic of a new mob on the left side (be sure to refresh the page in case your browser has cached the page and also look in widescreen if you have a smaller monitor). That mob arrives next week, more will come next year. As Kmax mentioned it does take time to model, animate, balance and place new mobs.

    Also be sure to sign up for the Planet Arkadia newsletter on the website - will be some sneak peaks of upcoming content in the newsletter which will come out following the interview.
  7. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That is one funky looking mob, can't wait to go shoot it :)
  8. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    yea I understand takes a while to get the stuff sorted out, and yes I understand that the mobs are silimar in some cases because they are just bigger maturities, but teladom, houn, kalmadon all look the same really, thats what I meant.

    But good to hear some new ones coming :)

    Not impatient was just curious

    thanks for the reply

  9. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    No questions this time, just a small comment to keep up the good work.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What is , may, or could be done with MA's continuation to isolate the planets and keep Calypso on the prefered list and hold back PP Growth.
    It seems everything positive Arkadia team does to grow our planet MA instantly has a counter to hinder that growth in the same VU.

    Secondly what is or can be done about MA taking Arkadia's main attraction which was supposed to be the treasure hunting and incorporating it thruughout the entire platform? Isnt that kind of a copywrite infringement since each planet is required to bring something unique to the platform? I dont see them giving any of the Arkadian Team the abilities to interact instantly like Kim gets to do for Calypso. I dont see (not that the Arkadian team would be so low) implementing rare loot and dropping it like candy as is done on RT. I dont see them taking things from other PP main theme and making that platform wide like they are doing with the "treasure hunting" That should have been set as seperate gear specific to Arkadia and not bundled in their remake of the entire mining system.
  11. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Son of Dob,

    Since mining-related "treasure hunting" appears to be back of bourke, and the MA ground rules for mission rewards are now more clearly established, can you divulge what % of your creative and development resources are being allocated to mission content and storyline evolution?
  12. ClarkKent

    ClarkKent Member

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    1) Will this update fix the crafting issue of getting calypso bps.
    It would seem that the only reason we are getting caly bps is because they havent released all Ark ones into the loot pool yet.

    But caly bps are pointless especially the (L) ones !

    2) Will we have robots or some sort of mob that will loot Generic Fuses for the warp drives that are suppossed to be for each planet.

  13. bass

    bass Member

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    Economy is struggling again and again, from a miner point of view. Too few crafters, useless resources (never found many ferrum nuts in my life like this, or adomasite, or terrudite - just examples - not even ark native junk)... even if you find rares, you cant sell them in-planet, you gotta wait for someone coming from caly.

    People comes at events, and leave as soon as they're done.

    Have you some *real* moves to announce to face the situation?
  14. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    will there be a download for it later please? i will be still at work at that time.
  15. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes.. Sorry i forgot to add that to post..
  16. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Any plans to address and improve loot availability and balance? IE: loot that can be only obtain from a very limited number of mobs and as well as not dropping often, and low level bp that requires loot that can only be obtain from high level mobs.

    Related issue: The lack of Ark BPs dropping. IE: As of now, I have only seen Pulsar armor plate 1 and 8, and nothing else in between.

  17. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Last chance to ask Dobson your question about Arkadia or himself. ;)

    I have collected the questions asked so far, and I will check back between 10:30 MA and 12:00 MA time to collect any new questions that might be added.. Do not expect your question to be asked if asked on forum after 12:00 MA time.. If you have one and its too late - come to the Party at the Quarry. There will most likely be room for spontaneous questions after the planned ones.
  18. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    when can we expect arkadian vehicle?

    any news about Arkadian Merchedize ?
  19. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    Can you tell us what's on plan in 2012 Q1? What exactly can we expect to see in 2012 Q1?

    And the first booth will go on sale in next Tuesday, if the booth bugged like some shop/apartment owner in calypso after sold to players will the owners get any compensation ? or just like calypso, what the shop owner can do is only wait and wait and wait

    Is there any more plan for sweat? Does it is possible to make a system like token system in calypso that newbie can exchange some weapons with sweats, but the weapon get from the system cannot be TTed, newbies needs to return the dead weapon+ sweat for a new gun, and once any profession level over 3 then this system cannot be used anymore, i think this can help newbies to try the game first before depositing money
  20. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Hi T.. those questions will be answered through my follow-up questions..

    First i will ask follow-up questions regarding what was talked about in the first interview.. These questions will be focused on future plans and stuff like that.. Concrete stuff, so a few things has been left out..
    Then I will ask the player questions
    Thirdly i'll give David a chance to tell us something the questions hasnt covered yet
    and then at last, spontanous questions in PM/Local/skype will be asked.. We "only" have 2 hours, so we'll make as good use of those 2 hours as possible..